‘Do You See What I See’ Netflix Movie Review - Chilling Friendships with Haunting Secrets

The film follows a tight-knit group of friends whose seemingly ordinary lives are turned upside down when unsettling horrors creep into their reality.

Movies Reviews

"Do You See What I See," Netflix's latest Indonesian horror offering, sets itself apart from other typical genre entries by focusing on the tension within friendships, rather than just delivering cheap jump scares. Adapted from a popular true story podcast episode, this movie leans heavily into atmosphere and character dynamics, weaving a tight blend of horror, mystery, and relationship drama that keeps the audience on their toes.

From the start, we are introduced to Diandra Agatha, Shenina Cinnamon, and Sonia Alyssa, whose characters are warm and relatable, providing a believable anchor for the unraveling supernatural elements. The movie takes its time building these friendships—there’s laughter, banter, and a sense of everyday life that lulls you into a false sense of comfort. But just like that, the cracks begin to show.

The slow-paced introduction to the trio’s lives is deliberate, and while some viewers might feel restless in the beginning, it pays off as the tension builds. Director Awi Suryadi masterfully balances this pace with subtle, creeping dread, allowing the horror to seep in naturally. There’s a heavy reliance on atmospheric tension rather than outright frights, though when the scares come, they hit hard and are genuinely unsettling.

What stands out most in Do You See What I See is the way it uses horror as a device to explore deeper themes. The supernatural occurrences serve not only as the catalyst for fear but also as metaphors for underlying tensions within the group. The film portrays the struggles and unspoken secrets that strain friendships—using ghostly visions and eerie encounters as external manifestations of internal conflict.

The three leads give strong performances that feel grounded and authentic, adding layers to the film’s emotional weight. Each friend is dealing with their personal demons, and while the supernatural elements are terrifying, it’s the unraveling of their relationships that provides the most impactful moments. Their camaraderie disintegrates as the paranormal experiences grow more intense, and you start to wonder whether the true danger lies in the spectral forces at play or in their own insecurities and fears.

Visually, the film makes great use of shadowy spaces and dim lighting to evoke a claustrophobic sense of unease. The jump scares, while minimal, are executed effectively thanks to a smart use of sound design. Instead of over-relying on loud noises to jolt viewers, the film plays with silence and subtle ambient sounds to draw you into the moment, leaving you on edge. The careful control of the visual and auditory elements is commendable—everything from the set design to the creepy flickers of light contributes to the overarching sense of doom.

Yet, there are moments where the film could have leaned more into its visual storytelling. Some scenes, particularly towards the climax, rely heavily on exposition to explain the paranormal happenings, which slightly undercuts the tension. In horror, showing can often be more powerful than telling, and this is one area where Do You See What I See stumbles.

While the journey is mostly engrossing, the film’s resolution may leave some viewers unsatisfied. After building so much suspense and layering in complex emotional themes, the final act doesn’t quite deliver the punch you might expect. The revelations feel a bit rushed, and the payoff lacks the emotional weight that was promised earlier in the film. There’s a sense that the filmmakers were trying to wrap up too many plot threads in a short amount of time, which causes the ending to feel slightly undercooked.

This doesn’t ruin the experience, but it does leave you wishing for a bit more closure. The film’s ambiguity in its final moments will either frustrate or intrigue viewers, depending on your taste for open-ended conclusions.

Overall, Do You See What I See offers a refreshing twist on the traditional horror format by focusing on friendship and emotional tension rather than relying solely on supernatural scares. It’s an introspective horror film that asks the viewer to care about its characters and their relationships, even as they face the terrifying unknown. While the pacing might be too slow for some, and the ending a bit uneven, the film is worth watching for its eerie atmosphere and thoughtful exploration of what lies beneath the surface of friendships.

If you’re a fan of slow-burn horror that digs deeper into character dynamics and emotional resonance, this one might just hit the right notes. For those seeking a more straightforward scare-fest, however, the film’s deliberate pacing and complex emotional undercurrents might require some patience.

Do You See What I See might not redefine the genre, but it certainly offers a thoughtful and unsettling experience that lingers long after the credits roll.

Final Score- [6/10]
Reviewed by - Anjali Sharma
Follow @AnjaliS54769166 on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

Read at MOVIESR.net:‘Do You See What I See’ Netflix Movie Review - Chilling Friendships with Haunting Secrets

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