‘Fame After Fame’ Netflix Series Review - How Bad Can It Be?

In this reality show, the biggest stars of “Sálvame” hunt for new career prospects across America after 14 years of popularity on Spanish television

TV Shows Reviews

As a critic, it's my job to break down a series for the audience, but this is the first time that I also need help. I'm not sure about the concept behind the series and why all the famous personalities who made TV are brought together. As the host said that they're the ones who invented TV, why was it that after landing in Miami their selections were made? Shouldn't this be a step that should've been completed before coming to Miami from Spain?

In the first episode only, there's a scene where all these when leaving the airport literally kiss the ground. It surely wasn't a holy ground so why all this extra drama? Everything would be going on smoothly and then come sudden outbursts and fights. How is an audience supposed to deal with it?

Also, the host of the show, Laura Zapata claimed to be a Mexican Actress famous internationally. She was there to welcome the participants, however, no one could recognize her. They even passed comments on the headband she wore.

If you see and understand Fame After Fame, then you'll conclude that even the markers don't know what they want to do with such a big cast. Fame After Fame has zero focus and doesn't know what to put in the limelight.

Initially when the name of the first episode was told ‘What’s Past is Passed’, it sounded good and made me excited about what's going to come up. Before starting the story and introducing the characters, a glimpse of the show is played for five good minutes. At that point, you know the show is empty and has forced fights.

Belen is the first participant to be introduced and coincidentally she's also the one liked by the producer. Doesn't this sound too much of a coincidence? Moving forward, a brief introduction by the characters themselves is included about their past and what they look forward to.

Unlike other reality shows, this one chose a unique approach of not having young participants. This was the first thing that caught my attention because they usually are filled with young blood. The adventure started when three new people namely Andres, Javier, and Carolina entered the scene and made things worse for Lydia.

This felt like a shallow world when Carolina introduced herself with her Instagram ID rather than the work she's done in the industry. A sudden outburst of emotions is seen from Lydia as she is openly being shamed for who she is. I didn't understand what started the fight, but they soon reached a point where everyone was saying something or other with the main thing being that the conversation was directionless.

In all, skip this reality show and find something else to watch if you don't want to ruin your weekend. The celebrities might be a big thing in Spain, but on Netflix, they've hardly left a mark.

Final Score – [2/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

Read at MOVIESR.net:‘Fame After Fame’ Netflix Series Review - How Bad Can It Be?

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