Netflix has announced a new Norwegian young adult film, Royalteen: Princess Margrethe, which is based on Royalteen Prince Charming, the second book in the acclaimed young adult novel series Royalteen by Randi Fuglehaug and Anne Gunn Halvorsen.
As last year's prom ended in great turmoil for Princess Margrethe, she now has to keep the secret of what happened to her close so that the Norwegian royal family is not embarrassed. When Margarethe learns that the Danish royal family is planning a visit, she sees it as an opportunity to finally meet prince Alexander, with whom she has been chatting for months. As the Norwegian royal family's familial drama mounts, Margarethe must find her footing not only as a strong and powerful princess but also as a young woman in her search for love.
The first feature film Royalteen, directed by Per-Olav Sørensen (Quicksand, Home for Christmas, Nobel) and Emilie Beck (When you left, Do you want me back?), launched a few months back this year on Netflix. Director Ingvild Søderlind (All Foreigners Have Their Curtains Closed, Battle – Freestyle) will direct the sequel Royalteen: Princess Margrethe, bringing with her extensive experience in working with young adult talents.
The cast of the film includes Elli Müller Osborne (Princess Margrethe), Amalie Sporsheim (Ingrid), Sammy Germain Wadi (Danish prince Alexander), Filip Bargee Ramberg (Arnie), Ines Høysæter Asserson (Lena), Hannah Larsen Walberg (Fanny), Vår Sørensen Grønlie (Astrid), Mathias Storhøi (Prince Kalle), Ina Dajanna Ervik (Tess), Niels Skåber (Gunnar), Kirsti Stubø (Queen), and Frode Winther (The King).