Netflix ‘Firefly Lane’ Season 2 Part 2 Review - Long Live Friendship

The second part of Season 2 of Firefly Lane Reveals how Kate and Tully’s story ends, even if a friendship like theirs lasts longer than a lifetime

TV Shows Reviews

The second part of Firefly Lane Season 2 begins with Kate constantly trying to contact Tully, unaware of the fact that the latter is in Antarctica for three months busy shooting for a documentary. Kate was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer Stage 3 in the last episode of season 2 part 1. She is missing her best friend and needs her support at this crucial stage of her life. They’re both seen remembering the good old days but are unable to contact each other. 

The initial days of Tully’s rising career are shown when Kate and her family were being supportive of her. Presently, she’s busy shooting for a documentary in Antarctica and is unaware of her friend's condition. As soon as Tully returns, she sees the 18 missed calls left by Kate and rushes to her home. Upon reaching there, she sees her friend bald and this news came as a shock to her. Tully wasn’t able to accept the fact that her best friend was suffering, and she never gave her hopes up on her.

The main thing shown in this season’s second part is how everyone around Kate and she herself struggled through this phase. Alternating with the current scenarios, the creators also show us some memories from the past. Speaking broadly, three scenarios have been covered i.e., the present one where Kate has cancer, their youth when they were in high school, and the third one where Tully was reaching the heights of her career and Kate was pregnant.

It can be noticed that Kate always had issues with her breasts. At the time of breastfeeding, she couldn’t produce enough milk and during her mid-40s also, she ignore several signs like itchiness, drying, and redness on her breasts. Had the woman been diagnosed earlier, a precious life could have been saved. 

Firefly Lane is a show that’s able to connect with the audience. When the characters are crying, you’ll be crying; when they’re happy, you’ll also smile. The series makes you feel a part of their world and every emotion is felt by the audience. Watching Kate and Tully grow together, watching their youth, and how they were doing currently together makes your heart filled with joy. 

Friendship like Kate and Tully’s is rare; watching it on-screen makes us yearn to have someone like that in our life. Sarah Chalke playing the role of Kate has left a significant impression on the fans of the show and she’ll not be forgotten. Kate is like the sunshine of the show while Tully is the glamour queen. Being strong on the professional front, she had a void in her personal life, and Kate was the one who truly stood for her always. Sharing a friendship of more than thirty years, these two will make you believe that good people still exist in the world.

By adding another seven episodes to the second season, the writers have successfully answered every query the fans had in mind, however, I’d like to know more about Kate and what she’ll be doing after the incident. The last scene of the final episode was liberating, and the note on which the creators have left the audience will surely win everyone’s heart. In a world where it has become difficult to form true bonds, Firefly Lane presents you with an unforgettable story. I was left heartbroken at the end of the series, and there surely were many emotions involved as you want this pair to survive.

Final Score – [8/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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