"Oh Belinda" is a Turkish film, directed by Deniz Yorulmazer and written by Hakan Bonomo with Neslihan Atagül, Serkan Çayoğlu, and Necip Memili in the lead roles. It has a total duration of 97 minutes.
The film starts with a scared woman walking on a lonely street, and then suddenly the songs play, with all the other supporting cast around her in beautiful costumes. This is the introduction of the main lead Dilara, a famous theatre actor who has won several significant awards. Dilara had signed a commercial ad for a pepper-containing shampoo, Belinda, and she isn’t liking this deal. The woman is very much career oriented and sometimes it can be noticed that she has a short temper. Serkan, her boyfriend is a minor support in her life. Arzu is another woman who plays a small role in the same show in which Dilara plays the lead and she seems to be jealous of her.
In the Belinda commercial, Dilara is playing the role of Handan. Her husband in that is Necati, and her two children are Mehmetgul and Aysecan. Dilara lives her worst nightmare when while playing the role of Handan, she is somehow teleported into that world and has to live as her character. Not understanding what is going on with her, she initially throws fits everywhere and thinks that it is just a prank, just like a normal individual would do. Like there’s a reason behind everything, I think Dilara was made to live as Handan so that she can learn the value of the life she was living. The woman goes crazy and tells everyone that she’s Dilara and not Handan still, who would believe her?
The scene in which the husband sees a tattoo on her waist and goes completely nuts is the funniest one. The film is very interesting, and the audience will enjoy watching her madness. The way Dilara goes into the washroom and washes her hair with Belinda in hopes of returning to her world depicts the chaos going on in her mind. She is desperately doing everything to get her life back.
The final scene in which she’s dancing in rain is the most liberating one. It was as if her soul is dancing to the tunes of the raindrops. That scene makes one feel free and yearn for everything that they haven’t achieved yet. “You can not destroy who I am. I am Dilara”, says the main lead which shows how desperate and committed she was. The audience will feel like they’re also a part of her journey and will be craving to watch how it is going to end for her.
Aaahh Belinda takes you on an exceptional journey. You know that the lady will come back to her original life, but still, you would want to know how that happens. Seeing Dilara suffer so much and trying to fit into Handan’s life makes you want to connect with her character. Neslihan Atagül the role of Dilara is everything you will want to see this weekend. The energy she has put into her character with the iconic dance scene at the end, she is now one of my favorite actresses.
I didn’t expect much from the film at the beginning and thought that this would be another movie where the character finds herself in the alternate universe, but all my perceptions were proved wrong. You need to watch this film as it is the one that’ll be liked by the majority of the audience. Be it the camera angles, shots, lighting, color, sound, editing, acting, or the plot, everything was top-notch. Oh Belinda is a perfect mix of suspense and drama and deserves every word of appreciation.
Final Score – [8/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times