‘Riding a Unicorn’ Netflix Series Review - A Feel-Good Drama About Dreams and Love

The series follows a young CEO and her startup team as they face challenges and romance.

TV Shows Reviews

Riding a Unicorn is a Japanese drama series that stars Mei Nagano as Sana Narukawa, a 23-year-old CEO who founded the startup Dream Pony, an educational app company. She hires Kotori Satoshi, a middle-aged, traditional businessman, played by Hidetoshi Nishijima, to join her hardworking team. The series also features Yosuke Sugino as Ko Suzaki, Sana’s co-founder and secret crush, and a supporting cast of programmers, investors, and rivals. The series explores the themes of entrepreneurship, innovation, friendship, and love, as Sana and her team pursue their dream of making Dream Pony a unicorn company.

The series consists of 10 episodes, each about 45 minutes long. The first episode introduces Sana and her startup, which is struggling to grow and secure funding. She interviews prospective employees and meets Kotori, who impresses her with his experience and wisdom.

She decides to hire him, despite his lack of familiarity with modern technology and his conservative style. Kotori, who is unhappy with his previous job and his family situation, sees this as an opportunity to start over and learn new things. He joins the Dream Pony team, which consists of Sana, Ko, and Kaito, a talented programmer, Jiro, a founding member, and Megumi, a female programmer.

The team works on developing Study Pony Campus, a virtual school app that aims to revolutionize education. Along the way, they face various challenges, such as competing with rival companies, dealing with demanding investors, overcoming technical difficulties, and coping with personal issues. They also develop friendships and romantic feelings for each other, especially Sana, who is torn between Kotori and Ko, who both have feelings for her.

Riding a Unicorn is a feel-good drama that showcases the passion and perseverance of young entrepreneurs who chase their dreams. The series has a positive and hopeful tone, as the characters overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The series also depicts the realistic and relatable struggles of startup life, such as finding investors, managing finances, creating products, and balancing work and life. The series also touches on social issues, such as gender inequality, age discrimination, and family pressure.

The series has a good balance of comedy, drama, and romance, as the characters interact with each other and grow as individuals and as a team. The series also has a catchy theme song, “Dream On”, sung by Thelma Aoyama, who plays Megumi.

The series has some flaws, however, such as the lack of depth and originality in some aspects. The series follows a typical formula of a workplace romance, with a love triangle, a rival company, and a happy ending. The series does not explore the potential conflicts and dilemmas that could arise from the different backgrounds and perspectives of the characters, such as the generational gap, the ethical implications, and the social impact of their work.

The series also does not address the negative aspects of startup culture, such as stress, burnout, and failure. The series also relies on some clichés and stereotypes, such as the naive and reckless CEO, the wise and mature mentor, the loyal and supportive friend, and the evil and greedy competitor.

The series also has some unrealistic and exaggerated scenes, such as the rapid development and success of the app, the coincidental encounters and revelations, and the convenient solutions and resolutions.

Riding a Unicorn is an enjoyable and inspiring series that celebrates the spirit of innovation and the power of love. The series has a charming cast, a compelling plot, and an uplifting message. The series is suitable for viewers who like light-hearted and heartwarming dramas, and who are interested in the world of startups and technology.

Final Score – [6/10]
Reviewed by - Arpita Mondal
Follow @ArpitaMond33387 on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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