‘The Lonely Man with the Ghost Machine’ (2024) Movie Review - Deal with the Demon

The only survivor of a worldwide disaster confronts the physical ghosts of his past, growing insanity, and a new menace hiding outside his door.

Movies Reviews

After the earth is in the clutches of evil, a lonely man has to find ways to live on his own. There's no one to look after him or even talk to except the demons, his dead wife, and a radio. Many elements in this hour-long film didn't make sense. There were surely the time restraints playing their part but if you go to the lengths of showing a toy with teeth made of cushion and lighting the eyes with a blue torch and investing some money, it would've turned out to be good. Wozzek is the only man (and probably a living thing) alive on Earth after a calamity wiped off the planet. Purple skies and demons were encroaching on the lands and the man moved to a hut with his wife to stay protected. It's been nine years since the attack and the means of his sustainability haven't been paid emphasis to. How's there still gas or power in the house or how did he get a hold of the machine through which he communicates with his wife are left in the dark?

Wozzek wasn't an intelligent man who would have made the ghost machine himself. Considering how he would've left his home in a hurry, it's important to think about how he got a hold of these resources. In a scene, it's told how he searched for miles to find traces of any human alive and was unsuccessful. It can be safely said that the writer didn't make a good character and left many loopholes in the plot. Keeping the logic aside (just like the writer did), the movie is about him going into madness. Using the ghost machine, he tries to bring his wife back to life and initially, she doesn't respond. He didn't think of giving up and tried every single day. During the daytime, Wozzek goes to find food and makes loud noises so that if anyone is in the vicinity then he can be heard. At night, his efforts are focused on Nellie (the wife).

One night, a demon knocks at his door stating that it needs some company, and asks Wozzek to let him in. The man didn't comply with the request, well aware of the fact that the demon could eat him in a single go. Nellie is brought back to life but there's a twist here. She made a deal with the demon and now tortures her husband every single day. The twist in the film lies in the last 10 to 15 minutes. It was a nice ending compared to the boring film. The contrast of colored and black and white used was a good concept. Whenever Wozzek was alone, the black-and-white concept was used and when the man had company (his wife or demon) colored scenes were shown. In my opinion, this film feels like a school project by an amateur. The plot of the movie is as bad as one could imagine. It's like a one-man show with certain mysterious elements. Take for example the devil at the door who within three visits destroyed the man's entire life.

Final Score – [3/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times 

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