‘The Parades’ Netflix Movie Review - A Soulful Journey of Human Bonds

A mother, amidst the aftermath of an earthquake and a tsunami, is in a desperate search for her son, only to realize that she no longer inhabits this world. Will she be able to meet her son?

Movies Reviews

We often assume that unfulfilled desires are confined to our mortal existence, but have you ever pondered the possibility that these yearnings could transcend into the afterlife?

This is what Minako and countless other souls who have unfulfilled desires. Confused? Let's dwell on this intriguing concept. Minako has a son, Ryo. The narrative unfolds with Minako, a mother deeply concerned for her son Ryo, awakening amidst the devastation of an earthquake and tsunami. When she regains consciousness, her first thought is that of her son Ryo. She looks for him frantically everywhere around the beach but finds no success. She tries talking to people, but no one is responsive. This leaves her perplexed. People around her are acting as if she doesn’t exist.

But why? This is a woman who can see everything and is looking for her son. Yet people are walking past her in the rehabilitation center. A dejected Minako goes to her home and is heartbroken to see it in ruins. All that she can find between the rubles is an old photograph, of her past life reflecting in front of her. Just as she was processing what she was seeing, she heard a man cautioning her to be careful. Surprised and relieved that at last someone had spoken to her since the time she regained consciousness, she approached him to understand what had happened. Her son is still nowhere to be found. The young man is named Akira and he takes her to an amusement park where there are many other people. While interacting with these people, Minako learns that she, just like them, has died and is now in spirit form. The only reason her spirit could not leave this world was because, like them, she too had some unfulfilled wish. And only when this wish is fulfilled can her spirit leave the world.

All characters residing in this amusement park have something or the other they wanted to see or achieve but could not do so because they died. Someone wanted to see her daughter give birth; someone wanted an ex-lover to move on, while someone had an unfinished film to complete. Minako, now fully under control of her emotions and with a fair understanding of her situation, decides to stay with these people and look for her son, because for her, that is her unfulfilled desire.  But will she be able to find Ryo? Is Ryo alive? Will all the other spirits get to achieve their dreams that they couldn’t while they were alive?

"The Parades" is an emotionally resonant film that delves into the intricacies of human relationships, showcasing the profound connections that bind us together. Through its poignant narrative, the movie beautifully illustrates how our souls remain intertwined long after our physical presence has departed from this world. It explores the enduring nature of these connections, highlighting the profound impact they have on our lives.

At the heart of "The Parades" lies a profound message about redemption. As the characters navigate the complexities of their relationships, they embark on journeys of self-discovery and growth. Through their struggles and triumphs, they uncover the transformative power of forgiveness and redemption, illuminating the path toward healing and reconciliation. Apart from the storytelling, the actors in the movie portray their characters beautifully, adding layers to the narrative and unfolding themselves with each passing scene. The film is an ideal choice for viewers who are drawn to narratives of this nature.

Final Score- [8/10]
Reviewed by - Neerja Choudhuri
Follow @NeerjaCH on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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