‘The Surrogacy’ Netflix Series Review - Love Always Wins

The series follows a woman, who is forced into surrogacy to save her father, but she gets caught with a wealthy family who will protect their reputation at all costs.

TV Shows Reviews

The first episode of this Mexican drama starts with Yeni recording a video for her kids. She is going to give birth to twins and shows her sadness over how she’s called an incubator. Ten months earlier, Yeni was traveling with her Dad in their car when goons attack them. Somehow Yeni’s dad comes into possession of the gun and kills one of them. He is taken to jail and since they were poor, Yeni was lured into being a surrogate with the reward being her father walking freely. Julia and Carlos aren't able to conceive, this is their last attempt, and Yeni will now help them.

Julia and Carlos aren’t alone as they have their pharmaceutical company, the Police, and others helping them to achieve the same goal. As surrogacy is illegal in Mexico, the couple opted to go through this route. Yeni gave birth to twins, a boy, and a girl, but the boy had deformed legs, so she was left with him on a park bench. Their story doesn’t end here. Many exciting revelations come and this makes the 24 episodes worth watching.

I hated the poster of The Surrogacy as it indicated that Yines had great things planned for her. The Bennet family needs to work a lot on unity and learning how not to stab each other's back. There is a lot of plotting and planning just to get a hold of their pharmaceutical company. Carlos’s mother used her powers in the wrong way and meddled in everyone's life. Her way of dealing with things got Niko (her grandchild) killed.

Most Korean drama fans will like The Surrogacy. Now, you must be asking why have I drawn this comparison. It is because the pace, the twists, and the number of episodes are similar to what the Korean dramas have. If I had to imagine a similar story and make it into a Korean drama, this is what I would have followed. There’s no unnecessary drama or loud scenes, it's just plain family politics and what each member must do to survive.

The Surrogacy also felt like a daily soap that has been cut short to make it appalling. The reason behind it is that the story doesn’t end till Yeni’s children become teenagers. Such a jump is only seen in daily soaps, and just like every mother-in-law is the villain of the household, The Surrogacy doesn’t differ much.

Initially, when I saw that Yeni was left on the bench of the park with her child, I thought that this series will now narrate her hardships, but it went beyond that. It is a good family drama and you’ll get entertained. Many twists and turns weren’t expected at all. I found the excuse the family found to make Yeni very bizarre. Just like Mimi (the hit Indian film), The Surrogacy also tries to tell the hardships surrogate mothers have to go through. When the baby is left with them only, it is even more heartbreaking. They’re referred to as “incubators” as if they’re some hens and have the sole duty to lay eggs for the wealthy, who can buy them.

Final Score – [7.5/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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