‘A Simple Lie’ Netflix Movie Review - Your Laughter Dose for Today

The movie follows a woman, whose lie to her ex winds out of control, exposing secrets within a group of friends who are cheating each other

Movies Reviews

A Simple Lie starts with Fade enjoying herself at the party. Boma and Xavier are seen sleeping together. They’re not in a relationship but, Boma has feelings for him. Donna introduced them and till now they haven’t put any label on what they share. After receiving a text, Xavier leaves her place which makes the audience doubt his loyalty. The way Boma smells the pillow on which Xavier slept makes us believe that the woman is head over heels in love with him. However, the audience mustn’t get fooled as the things are not as they seem to be. 

Boma told Xavier that she was ill and hence four people gather at her home namely Donna (her ex-good friend), Azeem (Donna’s husband), Xavier (the one who Boma likes), and Fade (Boma’s closest friend). Boma wasn’t actually it rather, it was a desperate attempt to grab Xavier’s attention. Xavier was actually in love with Donna who was married and pregnant. Things are very messed up in this circle and they’re all big fat cheaters.

As the truth comes forward, one wonders how they all were surviving till now. There’s another take-home message here and that is that women do talk. There’s nothing you can hide for long and things eventually do come out. Their messed-up relations caused a ruckus, which I personally enjoyed after all who doesn’t enjoy a good drama? And, I think apart from the audience, the character of Fade also had the best day of her life. 

The friendship shared by Fade and Boma is only the good thing that happened in this room. Too much testosterone i.e., Xavier and Azeem’s constant fight will bore the audience. The animosity between them is as clear as glass. It is the ladies who revealed one thing after other, as I said that women talk.

For those who enjoy watching chaos and drama, this is the perfect film for you. People like me who like good fights and scary revelations must watch the Nigerian film A Simple Lie. My favorite character in the film is Fade. The woman doesn’t give any fucks (though she gets many) and is the one who enjoys the most. People like her in real life make the most out of it as they are neither too attached to anyone but at the same time know how to set their priorities right. 

Then we have the character of Donna, a dominating and controlling woman. People like her are toxic friends, which we all have. Such individuals keep a lot of secrets, and when they come out, they deny them cleverly. Donna tries to show everyone that she’s very strong when she is just faking it. Well, the quote “Fake it till you make it” doesn’t apply in every scenario. Her character has a certain depth to her which makes people get attracted to her.

Moving forward, we have the character of Boma, Xavier, and Azeem. Boma wants the attraction of her lover and to get that she is ready to fall to any depths. She’s a desperate woman who wants someone to love her despite seeing all the “red flags”. In short, they’re all cheaters and the day they all sat together surely proved to be the end of any relationship they shared. If you want to watch a good fight, the one filled with extra drama, go watch this movie. I liked the script a lot plus, the setting used, of a single room, didn’t prove to be a disadvantage. With minimum resources, the movie made a point that a load of money isn’t required to produce a quality film. All the characters feel real, and the cast has done their best to portray them on screen. 

Final Score – [7.5/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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