Apple TV+ ‘Bad Monkey’ Episode 7 Review - A Total Cat Person

The episode follows Yancy’s mounting legal troubles and new revelations, along with quirky character interactions and deeper conspiracies.

TV Shows Reviews

"A Total Cat Person" continues Bad Monkey’s peculiar and entertaining trajectory. Episode 7 leans heavily into the show’s trademark humor while pushing forward several key plotlines. Yancy’s arrest for O'Peele's murder remains a central theme, but his hope for freedom grows thanks to Ro’s uncovering of witness tampering. Yancy's charm shines, yet the show doesn't allow things to get too easy, keeping viewers guessing as new hurdles arise in the offbeat Florida world.

What’s fascinating about this episode is how it balances moments of absurdity with serious stakes. Yancy’s legal battle is complex but never gets bogged down by courtroom drama. Instead, the show keeps its fast pace by weaving in its broader storyline, like the abduction of the Dragon Queen, adding layers of mystery and unpredictability.

The subplot of Bonnie escaping with Cody aboard Jim’s plane adds a lighter touch but doesn't lack emotional weight. Bonnie’s internal debate about whether to keep running or face the music creates a nice counterpoint to Yancy’s larger problems. This is where Bad Monkey excels—it gives its characters enough depth to make their quirks relatable without losing the fun and whimsy that makes the show work.

While this episode is still packed with its usual wit, it’s not without its slower moments. Some of the character interactions feel slightly stretched, like the dynamic between Yancy and Ro. Their chemistry is solid but could benefit from tighter pacing in certain scenes. Nevertheless, Ro’s guilt and her increasing involvement in Yancy’s mess continue to deepen her character arc, and I suspect their relationship will only grow more intriguing as the season progresses.

The Dragon Queen's kidnapping adds another bizarre twist. Her involvement with Egg, Eve, and Nick ups the stakes, drawing viewers into the complex power dynamics at play. Who kidnapped her, and why? The show leaves us hanging just enough to keep us invested in this subplot, while slowly revealing the seedy underbelly of land deals and criminal schemes running beneath the surface.

If there’s a slight downside to this episode, it’s that some plot threads feel too conveniently resolved. Ro’s discovery of Mendez’s tampering could have had more buildup or tension. However, the payoff is still satisfying, thanks to the clever writing and the unpredictable nature of the show.

Visually, A Total Cat Person maintains the quirky, vibrant aesthetic that Bad Monkey has cultivated from the start. The Floridian backdrop contrasts wonderfully with the bizarre events unfolding, and the show’s attention to detail in setting and character design keeps it visually interesting without overwhelming the viewer.

Overall, Episode 7 of Bad Monkey delivers another solid chapter in this wild ride of a series. With its blend of mystery, humor, and character development, it keeps the momentum going while setting up new twists and turns for future episodes. While there are a few slow points and predictable beats, the episode manages to stay fresh and entertaining.

Final Score - [8/10]

Read at TV+ ‘Bad Monkey’ Episode 7 Review - A Total Cat Person

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