Apple TV+ ‘Dark Matter’ Episode 9 Review - A Riveting Yet Flawed Finale

The episode follows Jason and his family as they face the consequences of the multiverse device, leading to a dramatic and final confrontation with their counterparts.

TV Shows Reviews

The highly anticipated finale of "Dark Matter" Season 1, titled "Entanglement," delivers a whirlwind of emotions, thrilling confrontations, and poignant reflections that leave a lasting impact. As the culmination of a season-long journey through alternate realities, Episode 9 ties together complex narrative threads with varying degrees of success, leaving viewers with both satisfaction and lingering questions.

The episode begins with a palpable sense of urgency as Jason, Amanda, Daniela, and Charlie navigate the chaotic aftermath of the revelations about the multiverse. Jason2's desperate actions have forced the group to confront the reality of their situation: they must either find a way to neutralize the multiverse device or risk being forever entangled in a web of infinite possibilities. The tension is immediate and gripping, pulling viewers into the high-stakes drama from the first scene.

Joel Edgerton continues to impress with his dual portrayal of Jason and Jason2. His ability to differentiate the two characters through subtle nuances in demeanor and speech is a testament to his skill. Edgerton's Jason is determined and empathetic, driven by a deep love for his family, while Jason2's desperation and moral ambiguity add a compelling layer of complexity to the narrative. Alice Braga's performance as Amanda remains a strong anchor, providing emotional depth and resilience that balance the episode's frenetic pace.

Director Alik Sakharov’s vision is evident in the striking visuals and the atmospheric tension that pervades the episode. The scenes set in the original lab, where the multiverse device was first activated, stand out. The cold, sterile environment heightens the stakes and underscores the gravity of the characters' dilemmas. Sakharov’s directorial choices, combined with excellent cinematography, make "Entanglement" visually captivating.

The evolving dynamic between Jason and Amanda is another strong point. Their bond, tested through their journey across multiple realities, emerges more robust and layered. The episode's quieter moments, where they reflect on their experiences and reaffirm their love for each other, provide necessary emotional depth amidst the high-stakes drama. These moments ground the story in human emotion, making the fantastical elements more relatable.

Despite these strengths, the episode is hampered by pacing issues. The narrative rushes through significant plot points, giving little time for characters to process the monumental events unfolding around them. This rapid progression often sacrifices emotional depth for the sake of moving the plot forward. Key scenes that should have been poignant and impactful end up feeling rushed and underdeveloped.

The showdown between Jason and Jason2, while visually engaging, veers into melodrama. The physical and intellectual battle in the lab feels somewhat predictable, detracting from the potential for a more nuanced conflict. Jason2’s motivations, driven by desperation, sometimes lack the complexity needed to fully engage the audience, rendering some of his actions one-dimensional.

Another notable issue is the handling of secondary characters. While the focus on Jason and Amanda is understandable, characters like Daniela and Charlie are underutilized in this critical episode. Their development takes a backseat, and their emotional arcs feel somewhat neglected. This lack of balance in character focus leaves some of the personal stakes feeling less impactful than they could have been.

Yet, when not underutilized, Jennifer Connelly's portrayal of Daniela shines in "Entanglement." Her confrontation with Jason2 and the choices she faces add depth to her character, showcasing her strength and resolve. Connelly captures the emotional turmoil of a woman torn between love and betrayal, adding an essential layer to the narrative.

As a conclusion, "Entanglement" provides a satisfying yet open-ended resolution. Jason’s decision to sacrifice the multiverse device to protect his family brings a sense of closure, though the lingering implications of their travels suggest more stories to come. Amanda’s return to her universe, carrying with her the experiences and relationships formed, hints at future reunions and explorations.

The episode’s resolution ties together the season’s threads while leaving enough open questions to maintain intrigue. Viewers are left reflecting on the profound themes of identity and choice, eager to see where the series will venture next.

Overall, "Entanglement" is a fitting, though imperfect, finale to "Dark Matter" Season 1. The episode's strengths in performance, direction, and thematic depth outweigh its flaws in pacing and occasional melodrama. As the season concludes, "Dark Matter" has established itself as a thought-provoking and visually stunning series, with a finale that leaves viewers both satisfied and eager for more.

Final Score - [6/10]

Read at TV+ ‘Dark Matter’ Episode 9 Review - A Riveting Yet Flawed Finale

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