Apple TV+ ‘Platonic’ Episode 8 Review - I’m Married!

In episode 8, Will and the boys take Sylvia to San Diego for business, while Charlie becomes increasingly suspicious of Sylvia and Will’s connection.

TV Shows Reviews

The eighth episode of Platonic titled, San Diego, opens up with the song Let the River Run, which was the title of the seventh episode. In the seventh episode, we saw that Sylvia was fired after she tampered with Kirk’s painting. Even after trying to fix it, the painting had a dick in place of a nose.

Sylvia came back home and saw that her son prepared a presentation about her being back to work. This made her proud, but she hasn’t told anyone about being fired. Three days after getting fired, she dresses up and pretends to go to the office. Now, where would she go after leaving her home? It is Will’s club, where else she would go? After making her understand that she needs to tell them at home, he even threatens her that she should get a written note from Charlie if she wants to come back. This scene was funny because which grown-up human would get a note from their partner to spend some time away from home?

Finally, Sylvia tells Charlie and to her surprise, he didn't take her side and rather looked at both aspects. In situations like these, every partner expects to be comforted and what Charlie did was unacceptable. Our girl plans to go with Will to San Diego to meet Hognny 66 owner. What happened left me in shock. Johnny (the owner of Johnny 66) misbehaved with her because she was traveling with a man who wasn’t her husband. He even tried to kiss her, and after neglecting things for a while, all hell broke loose.

While all this was happening, Charlie came across pictures of Will and Sylvia which raised suspicions in his mind. In my opinion, Sylvia and her husband need to get a couple of therapy sessions. Why does Charlie suspect of her being into something with Will? She is good friends with Will and if that friendship has existed for decades then, it is normal to share things with him. Getting insecure is one thing but involving the whole office staff to look into the matter and making flowcharts in the office wall like Sylvia is some kind of criminal goes on to the next level. With just two episodes left in the first season of Platonic, we can conclude that Charlie and Sylvia don’t share a good relationship. Also, it might be possible that they separate ways or clear out the differences. The possibility of the first option is likely.

This episode was entertaining. As the last few episodes seemed stuck, this one had a plot to show. It also made us understand the depths of friendship shared by Will and Sylvia as the man just lost an expensive deal to save his friend. From the beginning of the show, this married couple has suffered through a lot of things and the show will end on the same. After the differences were sorted out, why did the writers have to pick up this topic again? We as the audience thought that this drama has ended, but there are three episodes dedicated to it (8th to 10th).

Just like Sylvia has Will, Charlie too has friends in his office however, instead of making him see things they are escalating the issue. On one side, Will forced Sylvia to tell Charlie that she was fired but, what are Cahrlie’s friends doing? They are helping him gather proof against his wife.

This episode ends with the scene in which Charlie is sitting holding the lizard. He knows the truth about it that it was Will’s. This indicates that in the ninth episode, he’ll be confronting his wife on the same matter. San Diego didn’t go well for Sylvia and now she has a lot of explanations to give.

Final Score- [7.5/10]

Read at TV+ ‘Platonic’ Episode 8 Review - I’m Married!

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