Apple TV+ ‘Women in Blue’ Episode 10 Review - A Tense Finale that Pulls No Punches

The episode follows the Azules, who band together to save one of their own, risking the future of the female police force.

TV Shows Reviews

In episode 10, Valentina, Women in Blue wraps up its first season with intensity and emotional depth. The stakes are high, the plot focused, and the character arcs finally reach their peak as the Azules (the first female police unit) try to protect one of their own in a high-risk mission that puts their entire future on the line.

The central story revolves around Valentina (played by Natalia Téllez), a rebellious and fierce character who has been through an emotional whirlwind throughout the season. She’s always stood out for her defiance of societal expectations, but in this episode, her storyline takes an even sharper turn as the Azules team up to save her. The real strength of the episode is the way it turns the series’ themes of sisterhood, justice, and defiance of male-dominated structures into a tangible crisis where everything is at stake.

Visually, Valentina captures the grittiness of 1970s Mexico City, grounding the characters' struggles in a dirty, corrupt world. It’s not just about flashy action or dramatic tension; there’s a grim realism here that hits hard. The episode excels in pulling us into the danger, with close shots and a pulsating score that underscore the mounting tension. You feel like you’re right there with them, heart racing as the Azules try to outmaneuver the system that’s set them up to fail from the beginning.

What I loved most about Valentina is how it brings women's friendships to the forefront. María (Bárbara Mori), Gabina (Amorita Rasgado), and Ángeles (Ximena Sariñana) rally around Valentina, showcasing how far these women have come since episode one. They started off as a PR stunt—Mexico’s first female police squad, designed to appease the media—but have since developed into a force to be reckoned with. This episode is the culmination of their growth, both individually and as a team. Watching their unbreakable bond evolve through the chaos is incredibly rewarding.

However, for all the intensity and emotional weight, Valentina isn't without its flaws. The pacing, particularly in the final act, felt a little rushed. After building up so much suspense, the resolution feels somewhat quick, almost like the showrunners were cramming too much into the limited runtime. While I understand the need for a dramatic conclusion, it could have benefited from a more deliberate, drawn-out closing that let viewers fully absorb the gravity of the moment.

Another downside is how some of the supporting characters feel underutilized. Given the ensemble cast, certain characters, such as Gabina, don’t get the screen time they deserve in such a pivotal episode. We get glimpses of their internal conflicts, but these are quickly brushed aside to focus on Valentina’s peril. This leaves some loose ends and emotional beats feeling underdeveloped.

That said, the writing shines in how it ties personal and professional stakes together. Valentina's storyline taps into the broader social struggles faced by women in the police force at the time, but it doesn’t lose sight of her personal journey. She's not just fighting for survival; she's also struggling with her identity, her loyalty to the team, and her role in the bigger picture. It’s a nuanced take on a complex character, and Natalia Téllez delivers a standout performance, full of raw emotion and fierce determination.

The episode also serves as a strong commentary on systemic corruption and sexism within law enforcement. The Azules have been pushed to the edge throughout the season, fighting both criminals and the oppressive structures of their male-dominated institutions. Valentina drives home the idea that sometimes, the biggest battles aren’t with the criminals, but with the system itself.

Overall, Valentina is an emotionally charged and satisfying finale to the first season of Women in Blue. While the pacing may stumble, and certain characters don’t get the attention they deserve, the core group delivers enough power and emotional depth to carry the episode. The show has always thrived on tension, and this finale doesn’t disappoint in that regard. It also leaves just enough unanswered questions to tease what could come next, making me eager for a second season.

If you’ve been following the series, this is a must-watch episode that pays off a lot of the season’s early threads. It’s bold, intense, and, at its best, deeply moving. Despite some small hiccups, Valentina closes the season on a high note, blending action, drama, and heartfelt moments into a gripping conclusion. The Azules have proven they are more than just a PR stunt—they’re a force to be reckoned with, and I can’t wait to see where they go from here.

Final Score - [8/10]

Read at TV+ ‘Women in Blue’ Episode 10 Review - A Tense Finale that Pulls No Punches

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