The new Netflix series FAKES tells the tale of two best friends, Zoe Christensen, a nerd, and Rebecca Li(Becca), a party girl. The two girls, who are in high school, end up creating fake IDs as a side business and grow their empire to heights where they encounter different characters as they go through a series of events.
This new comedy crime drama is possibly a very different one from the others since it has got two bubbly main characters who have sort of managed to shield the drama from becoming a dark-themed one. Zoe and Becca build up their empire to be one of the largest fake ID businesses in North America. The 10 episodes series show the journey of these two young girls as they build up their empires. They go through a series of mishaps where one of them gets jailed, and the other doesn’t. The story is narrated through their POV as they justify themselves.
‘To All The Boys I've Loved Before' actress Emilija Baranac played the role of Zoe, and she has been accompanied by the ‘Grand Amy' actress Jennifer Tong who played the character of Becca. The actors have done a decent amount of justice to the characters they portray. An acquaintance of Becca named Tryst, played by Richard Harmon also joins the two girls in setting up their criminal enterprise.
Even though the two main characters are the cliché pairing of a nerd and a party girl, the storyline does give us a different and new vibe. The whole series has tried to keep up the fun elements without the plot getting too serious about the crime. The show hence is quite an enjoyable one as it offers episodes filled with both fun elements with the right amount of seriousness.
As the series proceeds with its storyline, it does offer more elements of suspense regarding the bond of the main characters which will bring in a lot of questions to the viewers. With an average duration of thirty minutes, the series displays how both teenagers realize the seriousness of their business and the consequences that follow their actions.
The show has a cliffhanger ending, therefore the viewers are going to get the required amount of thrill and suspense throughout the entire series. The series has tried to keep up the energy it reflects in the trailer throughout the entire series thanks to the two main characters. The last episode of the show does hint at a second season, but we never know better. The series is one of the recent decent releases on Netflix and can be enjoyed without a doubt by audiences who love a good comedy + crime mix.
Final Score – [8/10]
Reviewed by - Poornima Balsu
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