Gaza Will Fight Till its Last Breath, Last Human - the Live-Broadcasted Genocide, Hollywood to Make Movies Later

The genocide keeps intensifying with each with thousands of killings, but the people born in Gaza are showing brave faces and proving themselves to be more courageous than anyone

Politics News

The way its going, there won't even be a single child alive by the time the Gaza genocide gets over because that seems to be the motive of the West and Israel. And Gaza will fight till the very end, till the last kid or baby, but they won't be spared because they make the Israelis and the Americans feel insecure.

The warmongers, the Israelis, the Americans, the Britishers, the Europeans, and the right-wing Indians are very scared of Palestinian kids even though they are without any weapons or even stones. I saw a video on Twitter (X) of a little girl rescued from rubble, and went through the replies and was shocked to see the insecurity of these genocide enablers. The vile comments made by them with an Israeli flag on their profile (could be non-Jews as well), now make me think that it wasn't that little baby girl who was scared, it's the white-washed world, which is dropping tons of bombs on them every hour. The little girl in the video was a bit shocked, but wasn't crying, she seems courageous and probably has more heart than those people making vile comments. She seems to be a year or two old. I am not sure if she is still alive or if the cowards already took her life, but I hope for the best.

Gaza is alone, their neighbors won't help and to be honest they can't be called good neighbors. The nearby countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, are all the puppets of the US Govt. Iran govt. has its own people against them because they are also one kind of oppressor, plus they also seem to be oppressed by the US. While a lot of people might be protesting against this Genocide, their government won't listen neither they can take on the countries with nuclear powers. So, it will be better for them to stop wasting their time because the oppressors are so powerful that even the voices of billions won't fall on their ears. They enjoy and party after killing babies and kids, so if you think their hearts will melt just by you crying on the streets, you are fooling yourself.

The world is not silent though, I don't have info on media around the world, but I did watch all the US and Indian news channels, along with one or two from Canada and the UK, and they all seem to be very sad, no actually enjoying the Gaza genocide. In each debate, they say one thing - Israel is doing what's best. But as an individual, it's shocking that these news anchors are actually enjoying the killing of little children, especially the Indian ones.

Hollywood also might be very excited seeing these new developments, especially the children-centric Disney company, which will be excited watching children killed in hundreds every day. Disney has already donated millions to Israel to encourage them to kill more children. Hollywood studios might be already seeing themselves making billions of dollars making films justifying this Genocide. When people get bored, Hollywood might change its stance in a decade or two and start making films opposing the Genocide, but they will still make billions of dollars. But people with consciousness should remember, how hundreds of celebrities from Hollywood, and almost every Hollywood studio have supported this Genocide.

I don't think Palestinians living in Gaza will give up, they don't have weapons to defend themselves, but they dare to face the might of two of the world's biggest armies, they can face tons of bombs dropping on them every hour, they can face the loss of their family members, they are surviving without fresh water, without electricity, how much more powerful can a human be? This might be the reason why Israel and the US are scared and want to finish Gaza completely, they might succeed, but Gaza will fight till the last human. Even without a weapon, they can make their oppressors feel insecure.

In the end, when the war is over with 2 million dead and displaced children, the prime world will celebrate its victory. Like the Israeli president says, the children of light victory over the children of darkness, the same way the world will be asked to make this Genocide appear like a holy work. The world will get ever with it in a few years, but I hope they do know or realize who the victim was. I will always remember how brave were the people born in Gaza, that they scared the world's biggest superpowers.

Read at Will Fight Till its Last Breath, Last Human - the Live-Broadcasted Genocide, Hollywood to Make Movies Later

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