‘Love, Life & Everything in Between’ Netflix Series Review – Woven Around Valentine’s Day

Get ready to explore various versions of Valentine’s Day with this new Arabic original that is currently streaming on Netflix

TV Shows Reviews

Love, Life & Everything in Between is an Arab anthology series that was released on Netflix this Thursday (March 10, 2022). There are a total of 8 episodes with an average duration of 20- 30 minutes each.

Each episode of this short series is woven around the event of Valentine's day. The viewers that will be watching this series will notice this at first glance. Different events will be happening on that day like there is someone’s wedding, a couple breaking up or a relationship getting acceptance from both sides.

It is a light series that can be watched when one is free and as the weekend is also approaching, you can watch it at that time. The series won’t require much of the viewer's attention and involvement. Two lovers are the center of attraction of most of the episodes and what happens with them on V- Day forms the plot of this pan Arab anthology series.

The cinematography is good and there are different writers for each story of each episode. The theme of all the episodes is the same i.e., love. This series brings together the eight most famous filmmakers of the Arab region as it is an Arabic original addition to Netflix. At some points, it does shatter the viewers' conceptions related to the V- Day. There is not just love that has been shown but, there is also deceit and desperation. So, not just hearts and candies but the grey shades have also been highlighted about this occasion that is considered special for a couple.

The main characters and the side characters have performed their best in this anthology series Love, Life & Everything in Between. The plot varies and so at some point, some viewers might get excited to know what they’ll get to watch in the next episode of this Arabic show. Different shades of Valentines' Day have been shown in each episode and there is no repetition. People will also see how this significant day impacted the lives of the characters and how they suffer its impact in their way.

Just like Indian anthology series like Feels Like Ishq, Ray, Ghost Stories, Lust Stories, or even Ajeeb Daastaans, it is made in a similar pattern. By knowing this, you will be able to guess what all is being offered for the viewers. So, if you don’t have anything on your list to watch this weekend then only go for this.

There is nothing special or new to watch in this series. There are many other great options in this genre of anthology series. Those who regularly like to watch series or movies will be able to guess the plot easily as there is nothing exceptional in it.

Final Score – [6/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter

Read at MOVIESR.net:‘Love, Life & Everything in Between’ Netflix Series Review – Woven Around Valentine’s Day

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