‘Mantra Warrior: The Legend of the Eight Moons’ Netflix Movie Review - A Cosmic Tale Lost in Space

The film follows the story of Prince Ram, exiled to the planet Ayodia with his brother Luxshaman and wife Sita. When Sita is kidnapped by the evil Emperor Tossakaan, Ram must rally a team of unlikely heroes to stop a cosmic catastrophe.

Movies Reviews

“Mantra Warrior: The Legend of the Eight Moons” is a film that shoots for the stars—literally and figuratively—but doesn’t always stick to the landing. Drawing from the rich tapestry of the Ramayana, this animated feature takes us on a sci-fi journey across galaxies, with enough mechas, spaceships, and epic battles to keep any action fan glued to the screen. But while the film’s ambition is clear, its execution leaves much to be desired.

Let’s start with what works. The animation is, quite frankly, stunning. Chakrit Nonkome’s character designs are a delightful blend of Disney-esque charm and video game aesthetics, with a dash of Transformers thrown in for good measure. The mechas are particularly memorable, with massive constructions like the elephant mecha and the fish-like war machines making a lasting impression. If you’re here for eye candy, you’re in for a treat. The battles are relentless and varied, ranging from one-on-one duels to sprawling space conflicts that span entire planets. It’s a visual feast, and for that alone, the film deserves a nod of appreciation.

But while the film dazzles with its visual spectacle, it stumbles—no, trips over—its narrative. The plot is a chaotic mix of too many characters, side stories, and convoluted arcs. Prince Ram’s journey is supposed to be the emotional core, but it gets lost in the cacophony of subplots that try too hard to cram everything into the film’s 90-minute runtime. As a result, the story becomes difficult to follow, and worse, the characters become difficult to care about. The emotional depth that the Ramayana is known for is sacrificed at the altar of action, leaving the viewer with a hollow experience.

And let’s not forget the editing, which tries its best to juggle the film’s many moving parts but ends up in a near-futile struggle. The pacing is off, with some scenes feeling rushed and others dragging on longer than necessary. The attempt at humor and musical numbers is well-intentioned but falls flat more often than not, coming off as awkward rather than endearing. The PG-13 rating doesn’t help either, as it forces the film to shy away from the mature themes that could have added much-needed weight to the story.

Despite these flaws, “Mantra Warrior: The Legend of the Eight Moons” isn’t a complete write-off. The film’s world-building is commendable, blending Southeast Asian cultural motifs with a futuristic, sci-fi setting. There’s a unique charm in seeing familiar mythological figures reimagined as space-faring warriors, and for those with an interest in both mythology and science fiction, there’s something intriguing here. The voice acting, while not groundbreaking, is competent enough to carry the story, even if the dialogue can be a bit stilted at times.

In the end, “Mantra Warrior: The Legend of the Eight Moons” is a film that tries to do too much with too little. It’s a visual spectacle that’s fun to watch, but it lacks the narrative substance to make it truly memorable. Fans of action-packed animation will find plenty to enjoy, but those looking for a deeper, more resonant story might come away disappointed. It’s a cosmic tale that gets lost in space, and while it’s an ambitious effort, it ultimately falls short of its potential.

Final Score- [5/10]
Reviewed by - Anjali Sharma
Follow @AnjaliS54769166 on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

Read at MOVIESR.net:‘Mantra Warrior: The Legend of the Eight Moons’ Netflix Movie Review - A Cosmic Tale Lost in Space

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