‘Nice Girls’ (2024) Netflix Movie Review - Not So Nice

Tough cops Leo and Melanie come together to investigate the murder of Ludo.

Movies Reviews

When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I expected it to be in the vein of action comedies like “Bad Boys” or “Big Momma’s House”—but I was in for a surprise. The movie opens with Leo, a sharp and determined officer, driving through a picturesque landscape. She works for the police department and, in typical Leo fashion, tries to sneak into a high-level meeting her superior is holding. She’s caught before she can slip in unnoticed, but that’s the least of her concerns. Leo hasn't heard from Ludo, someone she considers a brother, for days, and it's eating at her.

Her worst fears are confirmed when her superior receives a chilling update—Ludo has been found at the airport. But the reunion Leo hoped for is shattered when she discovers Ludo didn’t arrive as a passenger; he arrived in a coffin. Grief-stricken but resolute, Leo knows she has no time to mourn. She dives headfirst into the investigation, determined to uncover who was responsible for his death and why.

But Leo’s quest for justice isn’t a solo mission for long. Enter Melanie, a glamorous yet enigmatic investigator from Germany, assigned to the same case. Leo isn’t thrilled by her new partner, to say the least. She tries everything she can to shake off Melanie, preferring to work alone and convinced that Melanie’s presence will only complicate things.

As the two women are thrust together, their differences become glaringly obvious. Leo is practical, no-nonsense, and fiercely independent. She prefers to follow her instincts and doesn’t trust easily, especially when her every move is being scrutinized by someone as polished and methodical as Melanie. Melanie, on the other hand, is the epitome of elegance and precision. Coming from an international background with access to cutting-edge resources, she works by the book and isn’t afraid to show it. To her, there is a right way to do things—and it usually involves strategy and finesse, not brute force or impulse.

As the two women are forced to collaborate, their personalities clash, and tensions rise. However, their shared determination to find Ludo’s killer pushes them forward. Will this unlikely duo be able to set aside their differences and catch the perpetrator, or will their friction jeopardize the entire investigation?

The movie begins in a way that immediately leaves you puzzled. From the very first scene, you're dropped into a world of ambiguity and mystery, unsure of who the key players are or what exactly is unfolding. The film deliberately keeps you in the dark, shrouding its plot in confusion and offering little context. It’s only as the story progresses, and after some careful unraveling, that the pieces start to fall into place. Gradually, you begin to understand the intricate connections between the characters and the true nature of their relationship with Ludo. But that revelation doesn't come easy—it requires patience and close attention.

Adding to the challenge is the film’s pacing. The story unfolds at a sluggish tempo, drawing out scenes that feel intentionally opaque. The narrative moves forward with a sense of hesitancy, and for much of the first half, it’s difficult to grasp where the plot is heading or what the characters’ motivations are. This slower pace, combined with the film’s refusal to spell things out clearly, creates a sense of disorientation for the viewer. You're left grappling with questions like Who is connected to whom? Why do certain events happen the way they do?

For viewers expecting a fast-paced thriller or an action-packed experience, the film’s gradual unfolding may feel like a slog. It demands patience and a willingness to sit with the uncertainty before the payoffs arrive.

Final Score- [5/10]
Reviewed by - Neerja Choudhuri
Follow @NeerjaCH on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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