‘Surviving Summer’ Season 2 Netflix Review - The Show Returns Stronger

As Summer practices with her friends for the national surfing championship, a new rival arrives, challenging her on the waves and for the boy she loves.

TV Shows Reviews

The series opens up with Summer dreaming about Ari. In the background, we have “Still Falling For You”, by Ellie Goulding. Their dreamy looks with those waves and this amazing song made the scene perfect. I mean, with a beginning like this, I’m in for the show. Ari and Summer were always meant to be together and it was a shocker to see him with Wren.

This however didn’t make me sad because a mistake or two makes you realise the true love you’re missing out on. Ari knew that he did make the wrong mistake and had Summer stayed in Shorehaven, they were going to be together.

Gradually, Wren gets jealous of Summer and plants various troubles in the young girl’s journey for example doing mischievous acts and blaming it all on Summer. Wren turns everyone against Summer. This series is about Summer making her place in the nationals, fighting with Wren, and being stuck in a love triangle.

When Summer wasn’t welcome in the tryouts for the nationals, she decided to crash the tryouts and luckily got a spot in the national team as a wildcard entry. This didn’t go well with Wren as she had been working hard for the sport since she was two.

To be honest, I think Summer and Baxter would have also looked together. Ari and Baxter were similar in some ways like how both of them were great surfers, stood up for their family, and had issues with guilt or panic attacks. Their character development is almost the same and it's understandable why at some point Summer might have felt a thing or two for Baxter. He would qualify as Ari’s brother.

Just like the previous season, this one too has a great soundtrack. As per the ongoing situation in the series, the best songs suited to them were added. During a shoot, Bodhi was discriminated against due to her being black. The photographer even went to the extent of discrediting her hard work and talent. He said that she was added to the team “just for diversity.” This was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in this series.

After all this chaos is created, we see Bodhi riding the waves like a pro, as if she owns those waves. At that time, the song played was mind-blowing. The song choices made are exceptional. You won’t have to wait for these songs to play as they’re usually added after three to four scenes. If you think that it is too much then, believe me, it feels nice when you get scenes complemented with these amazing songs. There was a line in the song that sent the message that black women despite their melanin can fit in all states. Wren’s character played by Annabel Wolfe was well-written. This role required a lot of energy and expression. Annabel Wolfe nailed this role and there’s nothing she lacked.

Marlon and Poppy too had a great chemistry. Poppy finally found stability and this couple looked cute together. The scene in which Poppy says that after her mother’s death, she hasn’t stopped and she needs a break reaches our hearts. Lilliana Bowrey as Poppy nailed this scene and it is her best scene in this series. Marlon and Poppy are an example of a couple who motivate each other to grow and share a healthy relationship.

The plot is better than the first season. It is more intense and we’re kept entangled in two things: Bodhi’s incomplete love with Ari and Wren’s mischievous acts. I wasn’t impressed with Surviving Summer Season 1, but this one makes you cling to your screens until the makers finish showing all eight episodes, which are 27 to 28 minutes long. When you end up with one episode, you would be too eager to start the next one. The drama created this time makes you eager to know what is going to happen.

It was no surprise that Ari and Summer would end up together yet, Ari realized his true feelings, and him knowing the real Wren was worth the wait. When he finally confessed, I was like finally the boy has regained back his senses.

Sky Katz as Summer Torres is the star of this series. It is her character that has practically carried off the show. Her energy and dedication were reflected in her work. I loved her character as this girl wasn’t ready to back down even if it meant some setbacks. Just like I had mentioned in the review of the first season, she is a total rebel. This season, she was balanced. Summer Torres waited for the right things to happen and didn’t jump into things. But this doesn’t mean that she let things slide because voicing your opinions is important, especially when it is destroying the life of someone you love.

Similar to the first season, amazing watershots have been captured. I’m left stunned by the surfing done by the actors and they deserve all the praise coming their way. In my opinion, Surviving Summer Season 2 is a good watch. You don’t necessarily need to watch the first season to have a grip on the story. With eight episodes and just 28 minutes long, it makes a great series for the weekend binge. You’ll be left wanting for more and I hope the announcement for the third season comes soon.

Final Score – [8/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times

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