This new documentary from Netflix is quite a mesmerizing and interesting one as it speaks about someone’s interest, ambitions, and love for the tiniest and the most ordinary things.
Through this documentary, we see the small span of Yuguo’s life, a 16-year-old boy from China who had an extraordinary way of looking at things. He loved to read literature and poetry, especially from those European authors and poets. His love for eastern European poetry makes him leave his country and shift to Romania’s Carpathian Mountains to live through what he read and learned in those poems and literary works.
The documentary is beautiful in many ways and it engrosses us in Yuguo’s world where he loved literature. The 28-minute documentary perfectly shows us his mindset and the love with which he adored the world, especially Romania. He fell in love with the culture and traditions the country had and blended into the local life like he was there forever.
His parents and the teaching staff of his university in Romania remember him as the beautiful soul who made him adore their country all the more. We are given footage of him sending in his school application to him being in Romania and participating in things he enjoyed. This documentary film is rare as it gives us some beautiful meanings and insights into certain things but still has a sad profound.
The documentary has been very much successful in bringing out what Yuguo meant throughout his life. The way the documentary has taken us through the important events of his 16th year of life and makes us experience his imagination or the beliefs he had is quite magical. We see a journey of how he lives his dreams. The documentary has been successful in depicting his sorrows and joys as he talked about nature, crows, and the most ordinary things, that too with extreme passion and adding so much beauty to it.
This documentary is a beautiful watch and is perfect for one of those days when you want to find beauty in everything. It instills so much joy in us as we learn to embrace everything we love. If you are someone who enjoys poetry then this documentary should be on your list as it gives us glimpses into some poetry that Yuguo wrote. This documentary makes us love Yuguo and we get to take insights from his life on loving and learning about one’s passion. Overall, it’s a short and beautiful documentary and every scene can be embraced by the audience with love.
Final Score – [7.5/10]
Reviewed by - Poornima Balsu
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