HBO’s ‘Warrior’ Season 3 Episode 10 Review - Forced Fights, Lame Conclusions, What More Could Go Wrong?

The third season finale wraps almost every big story arc and ultimately seems to disappoint with the rushed conclusions and uncharacteristic behavior

TV Shows Reviews

Let me start by reiterating that I am a big fan of Warrior, but that will not stop me from sharing the disappointments after the finale. But before I blame it on the showrunners and the writers, there is a possibility that the team behind the show doesn't have any confidence in the show returning in the future, and that's why they went to wrap up as many stories as they could.

The third season finale doesn't delay any conclusions or the endings fans have been expecting since the start, in fact, they rush it so much that I didn't even realize that it was over. I felt it wasn't worth the build-up and the hype they created in the first few episodes. In the first conclusive scene, Ah Toy and Nellie Davenport come face-to-face against Strickland in his own home and quickly kill him in a very ordinary sword fight (not up to the standards of Warrior). Meanwhile, Leary was also on his way to give back to Strickland, but Bill interferes, but anyway, Strickland was already perished. As they visit the house, the episode doesn't hesitate in portraying Leary as a victim as he along with Bill burn the body of Strickland. Leary has been portrayed as if the Chinese were torturing and abusing the Irish, and he is the biggest victim. The episode quickly declares Leary a hero and makes it feel like it was always his destiny.

Buckley proposes to Catherine Archer for a wedding and it seemed like another bad and racist guy ends up happily ever after. However, by the end, Catherine was in some other man's arms confirming that she always has a plan and she has almost succeeded in it. However, this final episode and the ninth episode didn't leave any doubt in portraying Buckley as if he is some saint.

When you would have seen the ninth episode, you might have expected some fiery action scenes when Police will visit to seize the fake currency-making plates. However, it turn out to be one of the most forced and lame scenes I have ever seen in the history of this show. First of all, it's all gunfight, which seems fair, but between whom? I hinted in the last episode's review that Ah Sahm will get another way and the credit goes to Chao and some lame writing which brought the family of Happy Jack, who were willing to sacrifice their life for those plates. The fight began triangular between the few small members of Hop Wei, the Police including Lee and Moseley, and the Jacks. Ah Sahm hand over the plates to Lee and leaves without any harm. Is Young Jun sleeping? I don't know.

However, the finale is not over as there are more disappointments and forced fights yet to come. Young Jun calls a meeting of Hop Wei and plans to attack the Long Zii and Mai Ling as he thinks they are at their weakest point. Ah Sahm disagrees and asks Young Jun not to go after his sister. Young Jun understands and asks him to sit out of this, but Ah Sahm wanted to go and warn his sister as Young Jun tries to stop him. When Ah Sahm didn't move, Young Jun asks the Hop Wei hatchet wielders to attack him. The fight seems one-sided as Ah Sahm gets rid of all of them and ultimately comes to face Young Jun and Hong. When you will watch it, you will realize how forced this scene is. Both Young Jun and Hong fought Ah Sahm as they don't know each other. All three were severely injured as Ah Sahm spares the life of Young Jun and crawls towards her sister's place which was already under attack by the Hop Wei.

By the time the 10th episode titled, "A Window of F*cking Opportunity," ends, almost every character has their story finished or they perished. Yan Mi takes a train and disappears into the unknown, meanwhile, Chao gets killed at the station. I won't reveal who was the attacker as it will ruin the surprise, but one of the beloved characters Chao is dead, and it seemed highly unnecessary.

Leary doesn't delay becoming the new Strickland and seems he will be the one controlling the railway track construction business. It will be fair to say that the finale takes from everyone and give it to Leary. Ah Sahm and Mai Ling both are alive and so are Young Jun and Hong. The only good thing I found in this episode was the final thirty seconds when Li Yong finally makes an appearance. Long Zii's men have given up their tong, and now they join Li Yong to probably make a new one.

I am not sure if Warrior is going to return for a fourth season as things are already in a mess. The story is so much ruined now that it will be hard to resume. But there are some intriguing possibilities related to Buckley, Leary, and Li Yong, which I would like to see. I am not sure where Ah Sahm, Mai Ling, or Young Jun's story will go from here.

Final Score - [6/10]

Read at’s ‘Warrior’ Season 3 Episode 10 Review - Forced Fights, Lame Conclusions, What More Could Go Wrong?

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