Home TV Shows Reviews ‘FIFA Uncovered’ Netflix Series Review - Football and Fraud

‘FIFA Uncovered’ Netflix Series Review - Football and Fraud

From power struggles to global politics, the docu-series reveals FIFA’s checkered history — and what it takes to host a World Cup

Vikas Yadav - Wed, 09 Nov 2022 16:28:57 +0000 5700 Views
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There is a moment in FIFA Uncovered where we watch footage of Sepp Blatter giving a statement to the media that FIFA cannot run without João Havelange. It comes just after we are told about the evil pact between them, which is why this moment comes across as a black comedy. In another instance, the footage of dead migrant workers is stitched together with the one where Sepp announces that the World Cup means the best working conditions for workers. It makes for an upsetting moment and fills you with sadness. Apart from these two scenes, the rest of FIFA Uncovered unfolds like an information dump. Facts, figures, and interviewees are used to hook, shock, and surprise the audience.

But then, this is the kind of documentary whose audience would primarily consist of FIFA fans, not movie lovers. That doesn't mean documentaries cannot be visually engaging as well as act as a source of information. One of the best documentaries I have watched this year is Descendant, and it beautifully strikes a balance between being a film and a provider of information. One of the best documentaries of all time is Gates of Heaven, and it not only enlightens us about the animal burial industry but also opens a window to the emotions of its people.

While reviewing documentaries like FIFA Uncovered, I ask myself, "Will this have worked as a Wikipedia page or a news article?" The answer always comes as "Yes!" Because these documentaries merely work as fact dispensers. But soon after, I ask myself another question - "How many people actually read books, let alone news, nowadays?" The answer: Not many of them. In such circumstances, something like FIFA Uncovered becomes "news" for those who don't read articles. Many people today prefer a 10-minute video over ten paragraphs. So documentaries like FIFA Uncovered just have to act as dispensers of information, and they will find their audience.

At least, FIFA Uncovered has the mentioned two scenes that use images to elicit some response. There are far worse Netflix documentaries than this one. So what about FIFA is uncovered here? It's corrupt and has taken bribes to organize its matches. Even its voting system is rigged, as brown bags were circulated in a hotel for votes. You don't need to be too clever to figure out the contents of this brown bag. FIFA is riddled with corruption, but for a long time, the organization managed to be in the clear because the men of FIFA were considered untouchable. No one came or perhaps dared to come after them. These were powerful figures whose actions were left unchecked. They did whatever they wanted, and no one stopped them.

The whole organization came under fire when they nominated Qatar as the place for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Suddenly, everyone on social media attacked FIFA. The ideal choice should have been the US, but Qatar's selection resulted in shock, surprise, and disappointment. Some suspected, and some believed that bribes were taken. FIFA might really be a toxic, criminal organization, after all.

FIFA Uncovered consists of four episodes, which serve as four chapters, each having a unique title. The words "FIFA Uncovered" might disappear into the dust, but that doesn't mean this game of football will also bite the dust. The corruption at FIFA does not concern the audience, who simply come to the venue to cheer for their favorite teams and have a good time. Their love for the players and the football is greater than the internal rot existing in the organization. The World Cup will begin on 20 November, and fans will flock to the stadium. The game will go on.

Final Score- [6/10]
Reviewed by - Vikas Yadav
Follow @vikasonorous on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times



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