Home Technology News How To Find And Make Friends Online in a Good Way With Livebeam

How To Find And Make Friends Online in a Good Way With Livebeam

Making friends online is the next phase after spurring a conversation. Knowing the best way to communicate, the right things to talk about, and the right pace to move

Chloe Watkins - Fri, 18 Nov 2022 13:48:08 +0000 8713 Views
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You probably have a group of people you call friends. Those that have your back and you do the same. It's great to know that you have someone who would sacrifice their time or resources just to be there for you. Most friendships start on the basis of similar interests and activities as we grow older.

However, as we age, we get busier. The time and resources to sacrifice become limited. That's one of the places technology and the Internet have strived to work on. We now have multiple social platforms like Livebeam, Facebook, and Twitter to shorten the gap and maintain relationships. But, as keeping friends becomes modernized, so does making friends.

Making friends online is the new in. Everyone is busy in their world, but they are accessible online. This article will bring to light the different effects of this new development and also help give you the necessary information to help you to find online friends and keep them. The best part will be the introduction of Livebeam, an online communication platform, that makes all these easier and safer. You don't just want to make friends,  you want to make the right ones. So, let's get into it.

The Persistent Search for Online Friends

The world is becoming more about how many followers you have, your status viewer count, your social media impression count, and other similar analytics. These are all pleasing numbers to see but do not mistake them for friends. Social media friendships have a system with which they work, but at the end of the day, it’s all about interactions. You can have 500 followers and just 50 friends among them or have 40 people who view your status, and they are all your friends.

The most important thing here is control. There is an urge to push for online friends, to be known and in the conversation, which may even be leading to FOMO. The peer pressure might be much but you need to know the right steps to take if what you truly want is a friend.

How To Find Online Friends With Livebeam?

Here are some basic ways to find friends online:


  • Search for Friends With Your Preferred Criteria

It's a lot easier when you can just state what you want in a person and then start a conversation with them. This makes it certain that you already have something in common with the individual to get the relationship going. Such a search feature is possible on Livebeam along with other communication-optimization features.


  • Start a Conversation on a Common Ground

The location where the conversation begins also matters. When 2 baseball fans meet at a tennis court, they have to first talk a little bit about tennis. That could put off the impending relationship and not reach the potential it can.

Livebeam's streaming feature where you can watch different streams is a great place to meet on a Common Ground. The first topic is usually the stream and you can both take it from there.


  • Post Content to Get People Engaged

Sometimes you don’t have to do the approaching. By posting content about yourself online and sharing a part of your life, you invite the right engagements and impressions. Social media platforms have timelines for such self-expression, depending on the type of responses you want. Posting your wins and professional growth on LinkedIn can get you business partners, employers, or even an apprentice; so can sharing a tweet invite people with your wit and message on Livebeam can make you a good friend.

How to Convert Online Acquaintances Into Friends?

Making friends online is the next phase after spurring a conversation. Knowing the best way to communicate, the right things to talk about, and the right pace to move. Though teens make more friends online than other age groups, anyone can do it, and here are a few tips for solidifying that friendship:


  • Take the Conversation Slow but Engaging

There are so many things that can be said, many parts of your life to share. Online friends have either never or barely met you, so they know little to nothing. It could be tempting to table your whole life story just to get them involved and intrigued but that’s not the most effective way. The right way to go about it is to share tiny bits and scenarios daily. This opens the chance for different topics and also lets them share with you when they have had similar experiences.


  • Have Chatting Times

Do you know how unpleasant it looks when you are having a face-to-face conversation and the other person keeps having phone calls in between? That’s also how it feels when you are chatting and keep replying late. It’s best to have a time when you will be able to reply on time and keep whatever conversation going. This lets the acquaintance know that you are giving them attention and holding them to a level of esteem.


  • Make Efforts to Meet Up

The last tip for making friends online is to try to take it offline. As much as technology has helped maintain relationships, there’s nothing like a physical meeting. You should make efforts to set up physical meetings as the relationship grows. Have a coffee date, hang out, or go see a movie. This is a very important step in solidifying friendship. However, we know it isn’t all friends you can meet up with due to location and schedules. For those so far away, you could give them extra attention, especially on special days like their birthdays.

In Conclusion

The internet is a very helpful communication tool backed up by multiple social media platforms. You can find people with similar interests, start a friendship, and go even further from there. The way you approach it and the platforms you use are very important. We suggest joining the Livebeam community and meeting up with amazing people ready to communicate and interact.



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