Home Movies Reviews ‘Para Betina Pengikut Iblis’ Netflix Movie Review - Offers a Masterclass in Creating Humorous Situations

‘Para Betina Pengikut Iblis’ Netflix Movie Review - Offers a Masterclass in Creating Humorous Situations

The movie follows three women, who conceal dark secrets, including unholy alliances and a mysterious ingredient used in a popular curry restaurant.

Vikas Yadav - Fri, 16 Jun 2023 19:02:09 +0100 2923 Views
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When Sumi (Mawar de Jongh) watches Dr. Freedman (Hans de Kraker) cutting her father's infected leg and when she sees a man skinning an animal, she becomes ecstatic as if she is fond of grisly images. A clever and ambitious film would have delved into her psyche, and we would have gotten a fascinating psychological thriller. Or perhaps, that better version of this film would have used the Iblis (Adipati Dolken) as a metaphor for Sumi's macabre desires. But Para Betina Pengikut Iblis, directed by Rako Prijanto, isn't interested in being anything more than a lame horror dispenser. The movie consists of horribly executed jump scares and that cliché regarding doors opening by themselves. If Para Betina Pengikut Iblis were a person, it would have irritated you by making "scary" faces.

Some details feel solid at first. For instance, I was genuinely creeped out by that scene where Sumi cooks her father's amputated leg and then feeds it to him. What I also, for the most part, found impressive was Jongh's performance. She has a hunched posture, which makes her look like a Gollum out to decapitate her precious. When she smiles, she imbues the atmosphere with a slight sense of uneasiness. But even something as nice as Jongh's performance becomes unintentionally funny by the time the film reaches the finish line. And as far as other elements are concerned, they were never terrifying from the beginning itself.

Forget horror. Para Betina Pengikut Iblis is, first and foremost, a masterclass in creating humorous situations. Iblis' smile and so-called evil laughter seem inspired by a toddler. When the devil cackles, you feel as if someone is tickling a five-year-old infant. The actors express bewilderment, possibly because they must be asking themselves, "How did I end up saying yes to this story, this director?" Sumi's father earnestly cries for help a few times and then gives up, which is why you laugh at him when he screams while being tied to a chair. However, the most uproarious scene is definitely the one where Sari (Hanggini) confronts Dr. Freedman. Both actors move their heads and twist their faces and look comical.

Para Betina Pengikut Iblis is neither eerie nor suspenseful. A scene like the one where a man investigates someone's cries for help should ideally be tense, but it's simply bland here. I don't know why many horror filmmakers think shots of puke and blood-soaked human organs are enough to scare the audience. When these images are used lazily, as is the case here, they only look nauseating, not spine-chilling in any manner. The only spooky thing about this film is that it ends with a promise of a sequel. That "to be continued" text will probably give me nightmares for months.

Final Score- [3.5/10]
Reviewed by - Vikas Yadav
Follow @vikasonorous on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times



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