Home Movies Reviews ‘Stephen Curry: Underrated’ Apple TV+ Review - Beyond Obstacles

‘Stephen Curry: Underrated’ Apple TV+ Review - Beyond Obstacles

This documentary follows Stephen Curry’s coming-of-age story, from an undersized basketball player at a small college to becoming a larger-than-life NBA superstar.

Riya Singh - Thu, 20 Jul 2023 19:46:28 +0100 1551 Views
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Stephen Curry is an NBA player who plays for the Golden State Warriors and is regarded as one of the greatest shooters of all time. He has the record for most three-pointers. There are many clips seen in the documentary where he is seen occupying a free area of the court and shooting three-pointers like it's too easy. Those who play basketball know how tough it is but he’s a legend and we are just fans.

Curry is Dell Curry’s (former NBA player) son. After high school, he played basketball for Davidson Wildcats which was his only option as no others came to recruit him. His popularity increased after people started noticing his talent in the games his team played. Well, I’m not here to write a biography about the legend so, you should watch the documentary to know about how he is and what he is today.

The makers of Stephen Curry: Underrated start right from the legend's childhood to his creating history. Documentaries are usually a little boring due to all the details and drama fans like me avoid them. What caught my eye in Stephen Curry: Underrated was how he was not believed in initially. As a teenager, Stephen had a short height but he never lost his will to play. Though nobody believed in him, Davidson did. I think Davidson played a huge role in his life because when no one was there to trust his abilities, Davidson provided him with the platform he required.

The duration of the documentary is 110 minutes and to be honest, it gets a little boring after some time. This shouldn't be a surprise as it's a documentary after all. The presentation matters in these as too much information influx can make the audience drowsy. I think that the beginning was interesting to watch and as we progress, it become dull. There’s a scene in the beginning where instead of describing the legend in terms of his achievements, they counted his traits like him being too think or timid. The transition this narrative takes is amazing because despite people saying all this about him, he shined.

There’s another scene in the documentary where Curry says that he wants to complete his degree for his children. This will win the audience’s hearts as the dedication can be seen through his eyes. Not only he is a great player, but he is also a great father who wants to set academic examples for his kids who by the way are very cute.

One message the audience can learn from Stephen Curry is to never give up. He wasn’t served everything on a platter and his height being a huge obstacle, he didn't step back. The young boy shined his shooting technique for three months just to never let his physical abilities become a hindrance.

Final Score – [6.5/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times



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