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Home TV Shows Reviews ‘The Last Night at Tremore Beach’ Netflix Series Review - Lengthy and Devoid of Logic

‘The Last Night at Tremore Beach’ Netflix Series Review - Lengthy and Devoid of Logic

Alex can see the future. This ability is enhanced when he is struck by lightning and now he must confront some ominous visions.

Neerja Choudhuri - Fri, 25 Oct 2024 17:32:04 +0100 235 Views
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If you’ve seen Twilight and remember Alice Cullen, the character who could see the future, the protagonist of this story, has a similar ability—except here, it’s hereditary, and he’s not a vampire.

Oriol Paulo’s The Last Night at Tremore Beach, adapted from Mikel Santiago’s novel, centers around Alex De La Fuente, a celebrated music composer who has chosen to live a secluded life in a quiet beach-side house. Isolated from the world, Alex spends most of his time composing music, and chain-smoking cigarettes. He also tends to a cat named Socks, which is not his pet. His deliberate decision to live without cell service or internet means that he has to make frequent trips to town whenever he needs to connect with the outside world. At a local hotel with free Wi-Fi, he keeps in touch with his agent, Allan. Once married, he has two children, Bea and Bruno, who live with his ex-wife, Paula. He goes to meet them too. The hotel also doubles as a meeting place for him and Judy, his secret lover. To outsiders, Alex appears to be living a quiet, contented life, marked by friendly relationships with his neighbors, Leo and Maria.

Yet, under this veneer of tranquility, Alex wrestles with a darker, more unsettling issue. He suffers from a hereditary condition passed down from his mother, Elvira—an affliction that makes him believe he can foresee future events. This eerie ability has weighed heavily on him for years, damaging his relationships and leaving a lasting shadow over his upbringing. To cope with the stress of his so-called "gift," Alex refrets to keep himself busy and drown in his work, hoping to escape the troubling visions that have haunted him throughout his life. But when a freak lightning strike hits him, everything changes. The strike seems to magnify his precognitive powers, thrusting Alex into a heightened state of awareness. Faced with increasingly vivid and ominous visions, Alex must now confront the terrifying possibility of an impending catastrophe, one only he can foresee. Desperate to avert this disaster, he is thrown into a frantic struggle to piece together the clues from his visions before it’s too late. He fears for Leo and Maria and tries to talk it out with the police. But without proper reasoning, nobody is ready to believe him. However, what is it about Leo and Maria that’s been bothering him? What has he seen?

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: this series operates entirely without logic. If you're looking for a coherent thread or any semblance of rationality, you’ll be sorely disappointed—don’t even bother trying to make sense of it. The narrative unfolds in such a way that it abandons reason, leaving you to simply accept the absurdity as it comes. Whether it's the convoluted plot twists or the irrational decisions of the characters, there's no point in seeking out logical explanations, because there simply aren’t any to be found.

On top of that, the series drags on endlessly. And when I say lengthy, I mean it feels really, really long. The pacing is sluggish, stretching out scenes and plot lines far beyond their breaking point. The drawn-out storytelling doesn’t just test your patience, it practically begs you to lose interest. Every time it seems like the story is picking up momentum, it lurches back into unnecessary detours, dragging the experience out further. What could have been a tight, engaging narrative instead becomes a marathon of indulgence, making you question if the payoff will ever be worth the time invested.

Final Score- [5/10]
Reviewed by - Neerja Choudhuri
Follow @NeerjaCH on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times




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