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‘The Masked Scammer’ Netflix Review - Reveals Some Extreme Scams and the Man Behind Them!

The documentary explores how a master con man scammed French elites out of millions of euros, featuring interviews with his accomplices and victims alike

Poornima Balsu - Thu, 01 Dec 2022 16:54:28 +0000 3985 Views
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The Masked Scammer is a documentary film newly released on Netflix. The film is directed by Dominic Silver and Yvann Yagchi. One hour and thirty minutes is the total run time of the film.

The Masked Scammer tells us the story of Gilbert Chikli, a fraud who almost put French foreign policy at risk. The documentary covers his past life, how he turned out like this, and a lot more details about all sorts of scams that happen around us.

Gilbert Chikli himself played the role of a narrator in the documentary film. He grew up in a very poor family in Paris. He never accepted his status and always wanted to earn himself a lavish lifestyle. Shirley his ex-girlfriend who initially played a role in the scams conducted by Gilbert is introduced to us in the first fifteen minutes of the film. We are also therefore given glimpses of her early life and how they met and also how she generated the initial idea to scam people.

Journalists and victims talk about their experiences of going through the scam. Most of the people featured in the documentary are presented to us along with their background story, not too deep but just the right amount of information about them. They talk about the calls they received from Gilbert’s side and how they were caught up in the scam. Investigators are also featured as they speak about Shirley and Gilbert.

Each of the events and life incidents Gilbert is traced in the documentary providing us clean information on how and when the scams happened. Gilbert’s ex-wife Shirly also gives us accounts of how her life was when she was with him and how he helped her in certain ways.

This documentary brings out a very extraordinary and interesting story. The makers have also tried and quite successfully added a great flow for the events featured, making this documentary an easy and intriguing watch. Everyone who knows Gilbert in and out identifies him as an intelligent person, and that is quite visible with the scams he did. The story in the documentary is highly interesting and it also has the right elements to make someone glued to the film. The level of scams conducted by Gilbert is on another level, and most of them will come as a shock to the audience and take them by surprise. It will also make us realize the different types of scams happening around the world and brace ourselves. 
Overall, this documentary film is a good watch. Since it has an interesting setup and story, the viewers will be able to enjoy it till the end.

Final Score – [8/10]
Reviewed by - Poornima Balsu
Follow @BalsuPoornima on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times




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