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Home TV Shows Reviews Apple TV+ ‘Silo’ Episode 5 Review - Slow Progress, More Murders

Apple TV+ ‘Silo’ Episode 5 Review - Slow Progress, More Murders

The episode delves into Jules' relentless quest for answers as she faces new murders, uncovers perplexing clues, and navigates the manipulative tactics of the Judicial

Anjali Sharma - Fri, 26 May 2023 04:17:07 +0100 3582 Views
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Warning: Spoilers for Silo Episode 5

This episode took a fascinating turn, veering more towards a captivating tale of corrupt leadership and mystery rather than its usual sci-fi fare. Now, I'm usually a fan of such shows, but I couldn't help but notice that the tone and pacing of this episode felt somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, leading to moments where I found myself slightly bored. Nevertheless, amidst these lulls, there were some truly tantalizing revelations waiting to be unraveled.

Episode 5 of Silo, titled 'The Janitor's Boy,' wastes no time in delivering the shocking aftermath of the previous episode's cliffhanger: Marnes is dead. As if that wasn't enough, Jules discovers that Paul Billings has been installed as the new deputy, unbeknownst to her. Once again, we witness a heated argument, reminiscent of the opening scene from the last episode, where Sims unjustly blames Jules for the situation.

However, this time, Jules finds an unexpected ally in Bernard. Together, they insist that Marnes and Ruth be given the same burial, sparking a captivating tale of forbidden love for the silo dwellers to discuss. With this distraction in place, the impending danger looming over the silo momentarily fades into the background. Luckily, as the acting Mayor, Bernard's decision becomes the final word.

Soon after, Jules is left alone with Marnes' body, and to her surprise, she discovers that his cherished portrait of Mayor Ruth has vanished from its spot on the wall. Even more perplexing, tucked away in his pocket is a note bearing the name "Doris Kennedy." It's becoming increasingly apparent that Marnes may have stumbled upon some unsettling revelations.

Following the burial, an awkward yet oddly amusing speech by Bernard ensues, providing a momentary light-hearted break. Hank and Jules then engage in a pleasant conversation, during which Jules expresses her frustration at the lack of new leads in the George Wilkins file she uncovered in the previous episode. Concern for Jules' well-being spreads among the members of the mechanical, heightening the sense of anticipation.

Later on, Jules makes a promise to Sandy that she will dig deeper into Marnes' mysterious fate and sets off to conduct her own investigation. Unfortunately, Paul Billings insists on accompanying her, citing his prior knowledge of a pact she remains unaware of. While he may seem like a nice guy, this show has taught us not to easily trust such characters.

With no solid leads, Jules and Billings part ways. Jules decides to pay a visit to Patrick Kennedy's house, hoping for some breakthrough. To her surprise, she stumbles upon Ruth's portrait and a container of rat poison. But Jules suspects foul play; after all, Patrick had recently moved out. It's as if someone went through the trouble of planting the evidence. Meanwhile, Billings accidentally crosses paths with Sims and Doug Trumbull, Sims' new shadow. Is Billings sneaking around behind Jules' back? We'll have to wait and see.


As the plot thickens, the truth begins to unravel. It turns out Judicial had almost tricked Jules into going after another guy, using a name Billings received from his Judicial contacts. Their plan? To beat Jules to Patrick, exposing the new Sheriff's incompetence and removing her from her position. Luckily, our clever protagonist sees through their scheme. She arrives at Patrick's place first, only to find Trumbull waiting for her. And true to form, he does something that confirms her suspicions—he runs.

What follows is a lukewarm chase, only made intense by the invigorating musical score. Picture this: Doug nearly tosses Jules off the railing, but she fights back, breaking his finger. He flees, leaving Jules to be rescued by the people of the silo.

As darkness cloaked the night, Doug met up with Sims, the janitor's son, dropping subtle hints about their role in the demise of George Wilkins and Marnes without explicitly confessing. Regrettably, Doug's botched tasks had drawn unwanted attention. Just as he anticipated becoming a trusted confidant in Sims's world, his idol turned assailant and sent him hurtling over a railing.

The next day, the Judicial orders the murder investigation to stop since the ‘killer,’ aka Doug, committed ‘suicide.’ Meanwhile, Bernard looks forward to working more with Jules and I cannot tell you how great it feels that she finally has some semblance of support from the up-top.

She later faces off with a very concerned Walker in mechanical. Walker wants her to come back, but she also realizes that once Jules has set her eyes on something, she’s not going to stop until she has her answers. The episode ends just like that, without any prominent cliffhangers alike the ones in the last episode.

In conclusion, it's safe to say that this episode shares some similarities with its predecessor in terms of the lack of action, but it falls a bit short of delivering the same level of excitement and anticipation. Nevertheless, what sets this episode apart and makes it worth watching is the attention it gives to character development and relationships.

Specifically, the bond between Bernard and Jules evolves beautifully, showcasing a growing sense of respect between the two. Moreover, the genuine concern displayed by the entire crew in the mechanical department for Jules adds a heartfelt touch to the narrative. Despite its shortcomings in action, this episode shines through its well-crafted characters and their evolving dynamics.

Final Score- [7/10]
Premiere Date: May 26, 2023, on Apple TV+



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