Home Movies Reviews ‘Big Mäck: Gangsters and Gold’ Netflix Review - The Tale of a Wrongful Conviction

‘Big Mäck: Gangsters and Gold’ Netflix Review - The Tale of a Wrongful Conviction

The documentary follows the story of Donald Stellwag, who was wrongfully convicted of a robbery and later suspected of the same crime decades later

Anjali Sharma - Thu, 30 Mar 2023 17:50:43 +0100 1990 Views
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"Big Mäck: Gangsters and Gold" is a true-crime documentary that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The film uncovers the story of Donald Stellwag, a man who was convicted of robbery and spent six years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. But that's just the beginning of his troubles, as he is suspected of committing the same crime decades later.

The filmmakers - Fabienne Hurst, Andreas Spinrath, and Facundo Scalerandi - take viewers on a journey through Stellwag's life, starting from his childhood to his time in prison and beyond. They do a fantastic job of piecing together Stellwag's story through new footage, archival material, and interviews with those who knew him best. The documentary not only explores the events that led to Stellwag's wrongful conviction but also delves deep into the root causes that shaped his character.

Through interviews with Stellwag's childhood friends, cellmates, and business partners, the film provides a comprehensive and nuanced picture of the man. The interviews offer an insight into the different phases of Stellwag's life, giving voice to those who knew him before, during, and after his time in prison. The documentary masterfully weaves together old and new footage and images, taking the viewer on an immersive journey that is both evocative and haunting.

One of the most impressive features of the film is the way it explores the complexity of Stellwag's personality. The documentary portrays a multi-dimensional portrait of a man who is not just a victim but also has flaws and vices. The film doesn't shy away from portraying both the good and the bad in Stellwag, making the audience empathize with him while also questioning his motives.

At the heart of the documentary is Stellwag himself, who provides an intimate window into his thoughts and emotions. His candid and unflinching interviews make for some of the film's most powerful moments, revealing a man who has been through hell and back.

On the downside, the pacing of the documentary is a bit slow at times, as the filmmakers take their time exploring the nuances of Stellwag's story. Additionally, the documentary raises more questions than it answers, leaving some loose ends unresolved. However, these flaws do little to detract from the overall impact of the film.

"Big Mäck: Gangsters and Gold" is an unflinching exploration of the criminal justice system and the devastating consequences of wrongful conviction. Through the story of Donald Stellwag, this documentary shines a light on the flaws in the system and the toll it can take on an individual's life. It is a powerful reminder that behind every conviction is a human being with a story and that justice cannot be truly served without taking into account the complexities of each case.

Moreover, "Big Mäck" is not just a film about Stellwag's story, but a call to action for viewers to question the very institutions that are supposed to protect us. It raises important questions about the flaws and biases of the criminal justice system, and the devastating impact they can have on individuals, families, and communities.

In the end, if you're a fan of true crime or simply interested in the complexities of the human psyche, this documentary is not to be missed. Produced by bildundtonfabrik, known for successful productions like "How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)" and "King of Stonks", this is yet another masterpiece that proves their creative genius.

Final Score- [7.5/10]
Reviewed by - Anjali Sharma
Follow @AnjaliS54769166 on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times



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