In an interview, Sohum Shah mentioned that his team likes to enjoy the whole filmmaking process. They take time to perfect the script and the editing - mainly the editing, which is nothing but a rewriting process. Crazxy, in a way, tells you why this team should continue doing this routine. As a thriller, Girish Kohli's film is superb and tight. The director has a firm grip on his story, and with the help of editors Sanyukta Kaza and Rythem Lath, he keeps you on the edge of your seat. I was hooked immediately. While watching that scene where Dr. Abhimanyu Sood (Shah) simultaneously changes his car's tire and treats two patients through his mobile, I almost stopped breathing. At first, the restless mood makes you so nervous you smile. You smile again after the situation is handled successfully, thanks to a phone call from a loan company. What's so incredible about Crazxy is that its jokes don't erase tension from the screen. You chuckle, but you also quickly get sucked into the tense atmosphere.
The story kicks into gear when Abhimanyu receives a mysterious phone call from a kidnapper. His daughter gets kidnapped, and the ransom amount is Rs. 5 crores. This is the same amount Abhimanyu is carrying in his car to settle a serious matter related to his profession. Did someone leak this information? Or maybe someone is playing an April Fool's joke? Could that "someone" be Abhimanyu's ex-wife (Nimisha Sajayan)? He does accuse her of making his life terrible. Has she teamed up with a teacher (Tinnu Anand) to get revenge on her ex-husband? Abhimanyu's current lover (Shilpa Shukla) blames the family members of a patient who died during an operation. He, in fact, is taking those 5 crores to them because he was found guilty of mismanaging the surgical procedure (this is an out-of-court settlement). So, while Abhimanyu wonders if the kidnapping is real or not and if he should give the money to the kidnapper or the family members, he gets stuck in a traffic jam (the trap is both physical and mental). Everything is so well-executed that you ignore the weakness of some sequences, like the one involving Abhimanyu's hero-like introduction. The joke, of course, is that this man is no hero. He has some terrible flaws. But if Kohli wanted to establish Abhimanyu's craziness through a chase followed by the display of his middle finger, he should have done a better job (it's not crazy enough). I wasn't convinced by that biker's reaction. People like him don't easily back out. The music tells us to look at Abhimanyu as a badass (or just bad), but we only buy this notion due to Shah's excellent performance.
Shah's Abhimanyu is the sole character that dominates every frame here. You mostly see only his face for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The actor is so good that he renders the thriller elements palpable. The filmmakers could have spent years perfecting the editing or whatnot, but Crazxy would have collapsed like a house of cards without an actor like Shah. There are some neat callbacks, and the phone is nicely used to deliver sufficient character information, but what about the payoff? How's that twist, that ending, that final revelation? Go into the subtext, and you will find a good message about people who suffer from Down syndrome. The idea sounds crazy, interesting, awesome. However, the subtext is undermined by a weak text. You can't help but wonder if the filmmakers lost their mad, creative powers just before reaching their destination. The climax feels like an anti-climax. You see what the movie is trying to do, but you also wish it had the ambition to be genuinely nuts - like James Mangold's Identity, for instance. The filmmakers also make a big mistake by treating their material with so much seriousness. The ending desperately tries to give weight to this gloriously stupid story and fumbles. What's more, the songs created for this film are mood killers. Who was the genius who thought that they should be placed in a thriller? Leave the little girl; kidnap that person.
Final Score- [7/10]
Reviewed by - Vikas Yadav
Follow @vikasonorous on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times
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