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‘Disenchanted’ Disney+ Movie Review - Happily Never After

The movie follows Giselle, who questions her happiness, inadvertently turning the lives of those in the real world and Andalasia upside down in the process

Leigh Doyle - Fri, 18 Nov 2022 08:00:04 +0000 5409 Views
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The long-awaited sequel to the Disney hit Enchanted is finally available and features the original cast from the heart-warming story of a fairy-tale maiden who found her prince in New York. Fifteen years after her happily ever after, Giselle questions her happiness, inadvertently turning the lives of those in the real world and Andalasia upside down in the process. 

Disenchanted is a charming follow-up with a focus on the love of a stepparent and stepchild while navigating the realities of your dreams and the world around you. Last time, it was about romance, but parental love takes precedence. Amy Adams returns as Giselle from Andalasia as she tries to bring some of the magic of fairy tales into the real work. Joining her is Gabriella Baldacchino as Morgan, her stepdaughter, and returning is Patrick Dempsey as Robert, Idina Menzel as Nancy, and James Marsden as King Edward. 

Baldacchino fits seamlessly into the world as the sardonic daughter of Robert, effectively taking his place as the jaded person against fairy-tale magic from the first movie. As for Robert and the much-anticipated singing debut of Patrick Dempsey…he has a small part in Fairy tale Life (After the spell) as he takes on the persona of a fairy tale prince, but that is it. Robert and Dempsey are noticeably absent for most of the movie, taking on what can only be described as a filler side quest that has no impact on the rest of the movie and we barely see the entire family together except for the opening of Disenchanted and that number until the end. Amy Adams flawlessly transforms back into Giselle and then into the wicked stepmother version of Giselle, able to switch personas instantaneously with a skill that keeps the entertainment of the movie and highlights her talent as both personas. 

The music in Disenchanted has the Broadway musical quality that enticed so many in the previous movie but, while enjoyable, it lacks the same power and catchiness of That’s How You Know and True Love's Kiss. There are good songs, the most notable being Love Power belted by the wickedly talented Idina Menzel in the climax of the movie, and a villain song off Badder that could have easily been created for a stage production. 

As for the plot, it was a good concept and carried by great performances of Adams and Baldacchino, who excelled, highlighting fairy tale tropes and a remarkable musical ability mixed with great chemistry. Since Disenchanted is all about the stepparent and child relationship, the two have a great chemistry with Baldacchino stealing the show with an endearing and charming performance of the grown-up Morgan whose turn it is to navigate the New York and Andalasian world. Unfortunately, the new additions of the minions Rosaleen (Yvette Nicole Brown) and Ruby (Jayma Mays) feel like two new characters too many and could have done without their performance and characters. Some of the plot did get a little lost, and with the creativity of the first movie, there was more that was expected but despite that- it was a fun watch leaving you with a smile at the end of some scenes. While it lacks the charm of the first movie, it feels like a more grown-up version, dealing with themes of a more complex nature and with a great new lead cast. It would have been interesting to see and hear more of Robert (Dempsey) and have Nancy (Menzel) and Edward (Marsden) take a more active role. There seemed to be many side quests happening and not enough focus or thought was spent on the main event. 

Disenchanted is currently streaming only on Disney+.

Final Score- [6.5/10]
Reviewed by - Leigh Doyle




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