Home TV Shows Reviews ‘Itxaso and the Sea’ Netflix Series Review - Overlook this One!

‘Itxaso and the Sea’ Netflix Series Review - Overlook this One!

The series follows Itxaso, who is thrown into a new life in a small surfing town where she knows no one, not even her father after her mother dies abruptly.

Riya Singh - Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:01:42 +0000 5279 Views
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Considering that there are eight episodes, each an hour long, it didn’t seem like the one the audience would like. If you’re willing to dedicate eight hours of your time to an average show, you might as well search for better options. The series is a bit boring and there were many moments where I wanted to leave it for good.

There was nothing new in Itxaso and the Sea as the show is a culmination of various shows we have seen before. A mother died and left her daughter with a father that she never knew existed. Mikel, the father lives in a small village in which Itaso found it hard to adjust. She did make some new friends however, it never appeared even once that she’d fit into these surroundings.

Belonging to a big city like Mexico, Donibane was a hard adjustment for her. Mikel had a suffering surfing school and people were dying to buy that piece of land and convert it into something financially good like a pub. As surfing was Mikel’s passion, he was unable to give up on it, it didn’t stop people from pushing him into a good deal.

Itxaso had to live with her father till the end of the summer as that would be when she’d turn 18. He was her guardian and the one handling her money and assets. There was a point where he took control of her accounts. It looked like her father was going to rob her of all the money her mother left. This didn’t happen as Mikel’s conscience finally told him to be a father and not a selfish man.

Ane, a separated woman and mother of two shared space with Mikel, and I always suspected that something was going on between the two. With subsequent episodes, details will be revealed. I was not satisfied with Urko and Itxaso’s scenes as a lot could have been shown there. Whenever I felt that this was what was going to make the show a worthy watch, the makers realized it instantaneously and ruined the moment.

Just like that, the daughter inheriting her mother’s business and several vultures roaming around her inheritance and her father’s surfing school also didn’t thrill me. The hair stylist and costume designers could have done a better job as Itxaso was seen repeating almost everything. The chemistry she and Urko shared was good initially even though he already had a girlfriend.

If Itxaso and the Sea had included beautiful shots of the ocean, it would be justifiable to include ‘water’ in the title. For me, the show is a mess and portrays an unbalanced story. Considering how many subplots have been left open, there’s a second season on the cards for the makers. I hope after seeing the negative reviews they forget the idea of a sequel and end the series here.

I was not impressed with the work done by the actors either. There was no soul whatever and the show is a superficial portrayal of a story that you’ve seen before. The characters lack lustre and depth and a lot of work was required on the series before the makers decided to turn this into a show.

Final Score – [4.5/10]
Reviewed by - Riya Singh
Follow @_riyasinghhh_ on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times




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