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Resumes That Should Have Never Been Written: Turn to Resume Writing Services

Writing a resume is a challenging task, therefore, many job applicants try to be creative and accomplish them as quickly as possible, and such an approach creates numerous mistakes

Rachel Evans - Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:52:07 +0100 3225 Views
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Resume writing is a delicate process, and it is not enough to simply cram everything you have done on a single page and hope that this poor resume excuse will land you a job. Yet, each month hiring managers have to deal with miserably bad resumes that share common, painful mistakes. 

The most elegant solution to such a situation could be a request like “pay someone to write my resume” addressed to the best resume services available on the market. And if you are still wondering what kind of mistakes an applicant can make in a resume, this article will highlight the most notorious of them

Contact resume writing services to avoid the worst mistakes. 

What makes a good resume? 

Before diving into the worst mistakes of your career representation, let’s define what makes a good resume:

•    It catches the attention of a potential employer
•    It is friendly for an ATS system. 
•    It is free of typos. 
•    It is tailored for a specific position. 

Usually, bad resumes represent poor preparation before job searches apply them or just a severe lack of polishing. Before you submit your resume, ensure that it is free of the most common issues.

Formatting and layout

A resume’s formatting is the first thing a hiring manager sees in the document. The applicant tracking process is fast-paced nowadays, and Recruiters do not have time to break through unreadable text. 

Ensure that you use one of the professional fonts: Calibri, Helvetica, or Georgia. Make a distinct separation between your resume sections. Education, skills, and work history should not blend in one block. Your resume is not a short biography but a list of your professional accomplishments. 

The following example serves as a demonstration of poor formatting: 

Work Experience: 

Account Manager, 2010 - Present day. 

I started my career in the position of an account manager in 2010. My duties included managing six out of eight steps in the accounting cycle: identifying a transaction, recording the transaction, posting, unadjusted, and adjusted trial balances, and making a worksheet. Due to my communication and presentation skills, I could deliver efficient financial statements. Besides, I overseed deals for more than three million dollars during the company’s trading operations. 

All the information in this section is crammed into one big chunk, which makes it hard to read and define important entries. 

ATS Optimization

Optimization of a resume for an applicant tracking system means that you use easy-to-read words and implement keywords from the job position description. Some job applicants may rely too heavily on buzzwords to show their experience and achievements. 

However, such words as “hungry for success,” “self-made specialist,” and “go-getter” will not be tolerated by ATS bots. The best way to optimize your resume is to consult a career advice expert or apply for resume writing services. 

You may look for keywords or job position descriptions on the company’s website. Usually, ATS bots look for exact words and qualifications from the job description. Embedding them in your resume will help you create a bot-beating resume. 

Visual representation 

The looks of your resume are a key component of your professional image. Besides the layout, the way how your resume looks may affect the decision whether to employ you or not. Plain looks of the resume may make your resume look too generic and not stand out. However, too much creativity may be harmful too. 

Do not emphasize hard-to-read or too curly fonts. Comic sans, Futura, or Papyrus are poor choices for the official document. You should not attach your photo to the resume if a job description does not require it specifically. A photo makes it harder to read such a resume, especially if the photo has poor quality. 


Be attentive to typos. 

It is hard to overestimate the importance of clean text in your resume. Typos in the profession’s names (like “meneger” instead of “manager”) or personal qualities (“persnlity” instead of “personality”) show incompetence right from the start. 

Typos are not always a conscious decision. Sometimes, you may overlook certain typos after working too long and too hard on a resume text. Such typos are a reason why you should trust professional polishing specialists or give your resume’s text a rest before you apply it somewhere. 

Do not rely on creativity; let your accomplishments speak for you. 

A single idea unites the mistakes described above: to stand out due to your creative resume and not your skills and experience. Flashy layout, “creative” fonts, or hard-to-read composition makes your resume cumbersome, and it will likely be discarded among the first. 

A more solid plan is to build your career according to your experience, knowledge, and achievements instead of trying to land an interview in a position in which you are underqualified. 

Giving mediocre achievements or exaggerating your accomplishments is another common mistake in resumes. For example, placing a GPA of 2.7 on your resume is not a wise choice. If you want to show your strong sides, ensure they are strong. 

A hiring manager will see it in your resume if you try to show off more than you know. For example, claiming that you know several languages, speak them fluently, and make mistakes in these languages right in the resume. Authenticity is the key to the successful landing of an interview. 

Final words

Writing a resume is a challenging task for any job position, and besides, it may become dull and cumbersome for people. Therefore, many job applicants try to be creative with their resumes or accomplish them as quickly as possible, and such an approach creates numerous mistakes. You can always count on help from such resume writing services like Livecareer

Typos, inadequate qualification, buzzwords, and absence of ATS optimization make resumes unreadable and hinder efficient job search. Even if you apply extra effort, there are no guarantees that your resume will be polished enough. 

Therefore, reaching out to resume writing services is a wise choice if you want to invest in your career smartly. Professional writers will help you emphasize your strong sides and tailor your resume to your desired position.



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