Set in 2056, the plot revolves around the events following a catastrophe on earth which results in the whole planet being surrounded by the presence of poisonous gas. Amidst such circumstances, a crew in space is left with the choice of whether to save themselves or risk their lives trying to search for the survivors back on earth. The main cast includes Julia Franz Richter as Hannah Wagner, George Blagden as Gavin Abbott, and Mark Ivanir as Dimitri Krylow.
The concept of a scientific space fiction with humanity on bleak of its extinction is in itself an interesting mix that has been explored previously in the past. Rubikon (2022) is an example of one such interpretation that still delivers the goods while traversing through the paradigms of human mortality and a dystopian future.
The film aspires to be a stylistic slow-burner as it seeks to build slowly up to its way to its climax. It tries to keep itself sophisticatedly slow-paced but instead results in being tedious despite having the running time well within two hours. The correct word to describe its pacing is that it is a double-edged sword. There are glimpses where the pacing backs up its compelling premise to create an immersive vibe fitting well to the space adventure but it doesn’t remain consistently engaging in its approach as it succumbs to its storytelling which it seeks to master.
The project marks the debut of Magdalena Lauritsch as a feature film director, after establishing her name with three short movies.
Julia Franz Richer as Hannah Wagner does well in creating a contrasting profile as a soldier, within the spaceship’s crew, confident in her own thoughts, coupled with the dilemma of human morality. Her character progression is a little unstable in execution from the first act to the second act, however, that doesn’t take away from what has been an overall solid performance.
Mark Ivanir as Dimitri Krylow shines as a Russian scientist, playing a stubborn doctor. He manages to bring out layers of depth to his self-contradicting character, both wise and selfish. George Blagden as Gavin Abbott is also decent in his role. The chemistry among the three members worked well, despite their different personalities as they formed an unlikely alliance.
For a film that likes to take things slow, the character relationship between Gavin and Hannah did undergo sudden changes that felt unnatural. Although it improved as the film passed, it didn’t go unnoticed that there wasn’t much development between the two. The film is also guilty of overcomplicating itself in some instances. It tries to back up its complex theme but, in the end, leaves one wondering that it could have been simplified in some parts.
However, it does a really good job to create the right kind of atmosphere serving the plot well backed by good direction and cinematography. The film shines the brightest when it questions the nature of human decisions and their subsequent consequences. It is the human element that makes the boat afloat despite not being spectacular.
In conclusion, it is not for everybody, but it’s definitely not a bad film. The ending could have been better, nevertheless, it’s a decent execution of a promising premise that could have been better.
Final Score – [6.5/10]
Reviewed by - Devyansh Anand
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