Home TV Shows Reviews ‘The Believers’ (2024) Netflix Series Review - Enlightenment or Exploitation?

‘The Believers’ (2024) Netflix Series Review - Enlightenment or Exploitation?

The series follows three young entrepreneurs who exploit people’s faith in religion for financial gain after their startup fails.

Anjali Sharma - Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:33:02 +0000 2577 Views
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As I delve into "The Believers," I find myself wading through a murky pool of ambition and exploitation, where the waters are tainted with the stench of moral bankruptcy and the shimmer of ill-gotten gains. Premiering on Netflix with all the subtlety of a misplaced donation plate, this Thai crime drama series seeks to unravel the tangled web of faith and finance but ends up more entangled in its own lackluster execution.

At its core, "The Believers" presents a premise as intriguing as it is morally dubious. Three enterprising souls, facing the charred remnants of their failed startup dreams, stumble upon a revelation: why not turn to the age-old institution of religion for a quick buck? Thus, our protagonists embark on a journey that's less spiritual awakening and more financial exploitation, exploiting the goodwill of believers to fill their own coffers.

However, while the premise may sparkle with the promise of intrigue, the execution feels about as inspired as a knockoff Buddha statue sold at a tourist trap. The plot meanders like a lost soul in a temple courtyard, lacking the originality to truly captivate its audience. Instead, it feels like a tired rehash of similar themes explored ad nauseam in other shows and movies. One can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu creeping in, like a prayer repeated one too many times.

As our intrepid entrepreneurs weave their web of deceit, the series attempts to inject drama, mystery, and tension into the narrative. Yet, it's akin to trying to light a fire with damp kindling – the sparks are feeble, and the flames flicker and die before they can truly ignite. Themes of friendship, family, and love are clumsily shoehorned into the mix as if to distract from the gaping plot holes and lackluster character development.

Speaking of characters, our cast of ambitious ne'er-do-wells is led by Pachara Chirathivat, Teeradon Supapunpinyo, and Achiraya Nitibhon. While they valiantly attempt to breathe life into their roles, it's like watching actors perform CPR on a script that's already flatlined. Their performances are serviceable but fail to elevate the material beyond its uninspired foundations.

And let's not overlook the series' penchant for tastelessness and half-wittedness. From its flimsy plot twists to its ham-fisted portrayal of religious exploitation, "The Believers" seems to revel in its own lack of tact. It's as if the writers raided a bargain bin of clichés and cringe-worthy moments, stringing them together like prayer beads on a broken rosary.

In its quest for profundity, the series stumbles and falls, face-first into a puddle of its own mediocrity. It's hopelessly bankrupt of new ideas, relying on tired tropes and worn-out clichés to fill the void where originality should reside. Viewers are left scratching their heads, wondering why they bothered to invest their time and energy into a narrative that's as empty as the promises of our protagonists.

In conclusion, "The Believers" is a series that squanders its potential like a monk gambling away his alms. While it presents a premise ripe with possibility, it fails to deliver on its lofty ambitions. Instead, it's like a prayer whispered into the void, unanswered and unheard. So, if you're in the market for a crime drama that's as satisfying as a stale fortune cookie, look no further. But if you value your time and sanity, perhaps it's best to leave this particular belief system unexplored.

Final Score - [4/10]
Reviewed by - Anjali Sharma
Follow @AnjaliS54769166 on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times




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