Home Movies Reviews ‘The Rope Curse 3’ Netflix Movie Review - A Leap of Faith into Death-Defying Deeds and Demonic Dread

‘The Rope Curse 3’ Netflix Movie Review - A Leap of Faith into Death-Defying Deeds and Demonic Dread

Brace for heart-stopping parkour and bone-chilling chills as The Rope Curse 3 flips the script on haunted house horror.

Arpita Mondal - Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:06:54 +0000 2198 Views
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Imagine being chased by phantoms, not on shaky legs, but with gravity-defying flips and death-defying leaps. That's the playground of "The Rope Curse 3," Netflix's latest foray into supernatural thrills, where teenage angst meets exorcist heritage and parkour becomes the ultimate ghost-busting weapon. But does this acrobatic adventure land a graceful pirouette, or does it faceplant into the clichés of haunted house horror? Buckle up, cinephiles, as we take a critical plunge into this spectral spectacle.

Guan Yu, our protagonist, dreams of parkour stardom, not demon banishing. Yet, destiny (and a pesky family curse) has other plans. Lured to a supposedly haunted hotel by a viral challenge, Guan Yu finds himself in a Scooby-Doo gone-digital nightmare. Spooky pranks escalate to vengeful spirits, and a forgotten family secret threatens to unleash hellfire. With his tech-savvy cousin Maya and a love-struck classmate in tow, Guan Yu must confront his spectral fears, embrace his reluctant exorcist legacy, and maybe even land that viral video (if the demon lord doesn't steal his phone first). Parkour transforms from YouTube tricks to spectral spelunking, as Guan Yu uses his gravity-defying skills to navigate haunted hallways, unravel the hotel's tragic past, and face the vengeful entity bound to its decaying walls. Can he break the curse, find his inner ghostbuster, and perhaps even discover his true self before becoming a permanent resident of the afterlife?

Let's start with the good stuff. The parkour choreography is a sight to behold, seamlessly weaving Guan Yu's acrobatic feats into the narrative. He flips, spins, and vaults with the grace of a possessed gazelle, dodging spectral swipes and ghost-thrown furniture with the practiced ease of a seasoned stuntman. The haunted hotel setting itself is a masterclass in atmosphere. Creaky floorboards whisper unseen secrets, shadows lunge from flickering gaslights, and the very air crackles with unseen malevolent energy. It's the kind of place where you wouldn't be surprised to find a dusty spellbook behind a cobwebbed portrait or a vengeful spirit lurking in the antique elevator.

But like any ambitious aerial stunt, "The Rope Curse 3" occasionally wobbles. The plot, while delightfully spooky, treads familiar ground, relying on well-worn haunted house tropes and predictable twists. Character development feels uneven, with Guan Yu's supporting cast falling into archetypal traps (the tech-savvy sidekick, the smitten admirer). The humor, while charming at times, can feel forced, undermining the film's suspenseful moments. And some of the CGI-driven scares, while passable, lack the raw terror of the practical effects used in the action sequences.

"The Rope Curse 3" is a cinematic tightrope walk. It delivers exhilarating parkour action, spooky chills, and enough teenage turmoil to satisfy any YA horror fan. However, its reliance on familiar tropes and underdeveloped characters prevents it from reaching true genre-bending greatness. It's the kind of film that will have you cheering for Guan Yu's gravity-defying feats and holding your breath during the ghost encounters but might leave you wishing for a bit more depth and originality.

Final Score – [7/10]
Reviewed by - Arpita Mondal
Publisher at Midgard Times



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