Home TV Shows News ‘Young Royals’ Renewed for Season 3 at Netflix

‘Young Royals’ Renewed for Season 3 at Netflix

The second season of the Swedish series premiered on the first day of November 2022 and was equally liked by the fans as the first season

Bradley - Mon, 28 Nov 2022 11:22:07 +0000 33728 Views
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Coming of-age Swedish-language series ‘Young Royals’ will be coming back for a third season, we confirmed with our source this week and the official announcement from Netflix is just around the corner. The six-episode season 2 of ‘Young Royals’ premiered on November 1 and was again loved by the audience as well as the critics.

I also hear that the third season is likely to be the final season, however, I am not able to confirm it yet, but we will be finding it out soon. In terms of viewership, Young Royals Season 2 hasn't made a big improvement and it remains underrated and under-watched just like the first season. Although Netflix has promoted it more than quite a several other shows from the same category.

In Season 2 Prince Wilhelm returns to Hillerska with an ambition to exact revenge on August (Malte Gårdinger), his cousin who leaked the scandalous video. August is sorry, but the young prince isn’t taking any apologies. He’s determined to make his cousin’s life a living hell — and hoping to regain Simon’s trust in the process. Little does he know, however, that he’s about to endanger his monarchy. On the other hand, Simon is ready to move on. He’s hitting the gym and focusing on himself. The first season ended with the leaked video of Wilhelm and Simon by August.

At the end of Season 2, Simon ends his relationship with Marcus. August persuades Alexander to accept responsibility for the leaked video, claiming that if Simon goes to the police, he will reveal Simon sold him drugs. When Wilhelm threatens August with a shotgun, Sara reveals that she told him Simon was about to call the cops. Simon decides not to go to the police station in order to save his mother from embarrassment. Simon confesses his feelings for Wilhelm before the school's anniversary gala. Wilhelm delivers a heartfelt speech at the gala about being open and not keeping secrets, and publicly admits it was him in the video. Sara reports to the police about August.

‘Young Royals’ stars Edvin Ryding as Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, Omar Rudberg as Simon Eriksson, Frida Argento as Sara Eriksson, Malte Gårdinger as August of Årnäs, and Nikita Uggla as Felice Ehrencrona. The cast also includes Pernilla August as Queen Kristina of Sweden, Nathalie Varli as Madison McCoy, Tommy Wättring as Marcus, Ivar Forsling as Crown Prince Erik of Sweden, Carmen Gloria Pérez as Linda, Inti Zamora Sobrado as Ayub, Magnus Ehrner as Jan Olof Munck, and Ingela Olsson as Hillerska Headmistress Anette Lilja.

Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung, and Camilla Holter are the showrunners based on the screenplay written by Lisa Ambjörn (head writer), Pia Gradvall, Sofie Forsman, and Tove Forsman. Lisa Berggren Eyre and Martin Söder from Nexiko are the producers with Lars Beckung of Nexiko as the executive producer.

Read our ‘Young Royals’ Season 2 Review.




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