Home Movies Reviews ‘House of Ga'a’ (2024) Netflix Movie Review - Feel Free to Skip

‘House of Ga'a’ (2024) Netflix Movie Review - Feel Free to Skip

The film focuses on the journey of ruthless king Bashorun Ga’a of the Oyo Empire and how he was undone by his own blood.

Neerja Choudhuri - Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:41:02 +0100 1352 Views
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When the movie ended, my first reaction was, “What on earth did I just watch?” As I sit down to write this review, I am filled with annoyance, instilled by the confusion and disappointment this movie left me with. I initially thought it would be a historical film, and I was excited. However, the first scene—a very violent one—immediately shattered my expectations. It depicts a gruesome beheading, celebrated by those who carried it out, presumably as a victory. The man responsible for this act is introduced as Bashorun Ga’a, and thus begins his story.

Bashorun Ga’a is portrayed as a ruthless king of the Oyo Empire, yet his kingdom flourished under his rule. The people love him for who he is. But that’s it. That’s all this plot offers. It doesn’t delve much into the crucial “historical events” of his life. The plot is difficult to follow, and at times, it lacks the seriousness expected of a historical narrative. It’s unclear if certain moments were meant to be comical, but the tone feels inconsistent and jarring.

The most significant issue with this film is that it lacks coherence. The plot feels disjointed and unfocused, missing a clear beginning and end. Despite the intriguing character of Bashorun Ga’a and the potential for a compelling story, the movie fails to deliver a cohesive and engaging narrative. The movie is filled with scenes of concubines, intimate relationships between men and women, and various other sensational elements. The actors seem to be overacting to the extreme, which detracts from the overall impact of the film. Instead of focusing on the compelling drama of Ga’a’s rise and fall, the film frequently shifts its attention to minor historical events and characters, losing sight of the central story. The pacing suffers as a result, with scenes dragging on and failing to maintain the viewer’s interest.

Despite its potential, the film’s execution leaves much to be desired, ultimately falling short of delivering a gripping and coherent narrative. By focusing excessively on Ga’a’s personal relationships and domestic affairs, the film loses its grip on the larger, more compelling story of his reign and the political intrigue that defined it. The constant shift between his private life and his public role as a ruler creates a disjointed narrative that struggles to maintain a clear direction. As a result, the film becomes muddled, leaving viewers confused about its true focus and purpose. Instead of providing a cohesive and engaging portrayal of Ga’a’s legacy, it ends up being a scattered mix of personal and historical anecdotes that fail to form a compelling whole. At one point you may even wonder what was going on in the minds of the makers to make this movie.

All in all, this movie has little to offer. The disjointed narrative, unnecessary focus on trivial matters, and lack of clarity make it a tedious watch. Instead of delivering a compelling story about Ga’a’s reign and the political intrigue of his time, the film gets bogged down in irrelevant details and fails to maintain a coherent plot. If you value your time and don't want to spoil your weekend, this movie is definitely worth skipping. There are far better options out there that will offer a more satisfying and enjoyable viewing experience.

Final Score- [2/10]
Reviewed by - Neerja Choudhuri
Follow @NeerjaCH on Twitter
Publisher at Midgard Times



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